my dick in macaroni feels good

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I want to put my meat in that macaroni
So it tastes good
But what's the definition of good?

Is life good?

Or is the name of _rambling on_

If life was a bootyhole we won't exist
as life fucks us and it needs a penis

Several peni

Each for each individual organism
But if man had a penis with himself

Is he born fucked?
Or is he born to fuck?

Or is the fact that copulation during sexual intercourse cause life?
Life sure revolves around penises and being fucked
And each of us gets fucked in the ass at varying degrees
So is life this vicious cycle of metaphysical and mortal fuckery
Or maybe you can just wank yourself off and fuck yourself while life fucks you
Will the individual acquire sadness through the intense fuckerythat he recieved from him and life

And commit suicide?

Is this why sadness is associated with masturbation for humans

_cumming while crying_

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