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"I'll kiss you longer, baby, any chance that I get. I'll make the most of the minutes, and love with no regrets." - Like I'm Gonna Lose You, Meghan Trainor (ft. John Legend)


"He's great," I heard, muffled by the door. I cracked it open and stuck my foot in the door in hopes of hearing more. Charlie was talking about some guy. I felt a little jealous of whoever this friend or boyfriend was. "He's funny, and smart, and we have similar taste in bands and sarcasm, and I feel horrible every time I see bags under his eyes because I just want to protect him from the world, and he's so adorable when he talks about something he's passionate about, because his eyes just light up in this way I can't even begin to describe."

Bags under his eyes? No, he can't possibly be talking about me, I told myself. Charlie had stopped talking, and I leaned forward to hear more, but he had just stopped talking.

David swung the door open, jumping when he saw me. "Hello, Miles, how are you? Yes, I'm just going to go get... something." He hurried off, and I entered the room carefully.


He had hidden himself among his covers, letting the blankets hide him. I moved closer when I didn't get an answer. "Charlie, are you okay?" Again, no answer, and this time I took the hint.

"Charlie, I'm going to go, but I'm here if you need me." I carefully made my way out, making sure Charlie heard the click of the door shutting.

I leaned on the wall next to the door, sighing. My brain was having a mild conversation with my heart, something like:

Brain: No, he can't. You just heard a snippet of conversation!

Heart: He loves me! He loves me! We share something else in common! We love each other!

Brain: Now, I wouldn't call this love. He is a patient after all.

Heart: We're going to do it in the hospital bed, and the next morning is going to be awkward because that's what all romantic comedies have.

Brain: Or you could just fight with him over the societal rules and your families standing and how that doesn't change your feelings for each other.

Heart: I knew you were paying attention the 120 times we watched Pride and Prejudice. Matthew MacFadyen is SUCH a hottie in that movie.

Brain: Back to Charlie. Don't want to dream cheat on Charlie with Matty.

Heart: Is it cheating if we technically haven't even had a conversation about our feelings, much less actually asking him out?

Brain: ...yes? No. Yes?

Another organ, probably my lungs told the both of them to shut up, as Dave approached me, a smile wide on his face.

"You get sick of interrogating me, so you interrogate him?"

"No, no, no, Miles, I just wanted to get this survey for one of your classes done. It's not my fault he started rambling."

He showed me his iPad, which indeed had an email pulled up about one of my teachers needing a survey of how the patients like me.

"But, now that you've heard, what do you think?"

"What do I think, Dave? I think that yes, while I really, really like him, and according to your stupid survey, he likes me, forcing us together is weird. It's like Phan. Dan and Phil could be dating, who knows, but forcing it on them just makes them feel more pressured, less real."

Now it was David's turn to be confused. "I'm sorry, what?"

"And besides, even if we did like each other, I'm his doctor/nurse thing. I can't have a romantic relationship with him, because that would be bias towards patients."

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