Levi & Eren

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Eren focus

I woke up by the sound of someone constantly knocking on my door.

"Eren get up, its time for your training" I heard an emotionless yet almost annoyed voice say. I turned to my side and groaned. it's too fucking early Levi, when I asked you to train me I didn't mean this.

I got up anyways to unlock my door. "morning" I managed to mumble looking away as I did. "morning" a bare faced Levi spoke. "So are we heading anywh-" Levi suddenly grabbed me by the waist, put his leg underneath mine and pushed me down, my head hitting the floor with a loud 'bang' "for gods sake Levi!" I groaned. "you're weak" Levi spoke looking down at me in pitty. I felt my anger rising inside my chest but tried to keep as calm as possible. "You should be prepared for anything, Eren I think there is a spy around" Levi suddenly looked quiet worried. "I don't want you to get, like, murdered" there was a little silence. "because you're a good soldier" he managed to spit out. "anyways let's head outside for your training" he said already walking towards my door so I had to help mysef up. "okay" I mumbled.


Once outside on the training field I was training my ass off. Levi giving me some tips when I didn't do something right. I had to be honest Levi was a great company once you started talking a little he didn't really talk that much but it was comforting in some kind of way.


After very very long day of training Levi and I were sitting somewhere in the grass to drink some water until Armin came running our way with a way too horrified look on his face. "guys s-someone opened the gate! the titans are entering and- and" Armin was trying to catch his breath while shouting at us "and we have to stop it!" Levi and I didn't hesitate one second, stood up, got our equipment and ran as fast as we could. Once we reached the city they were already many casualties, many titans and many soldiers trying to fight for humanity. no no no this can't be happening who the fuck opened the gate? where is mikasa?. I started to freak out at my own words but I shaked my head and I headed towards the spot with many titans with Levi by my side. I headed towards a comrade almost being eaten and killed the titan instantly. I lost sight of Levi but it's Levi he is probably being awesome somewhere. he should be alright, it's captain Levi I have to look for Mikasa for now. And with that last thought I did look for her not knowing what happened to my possible new friend, yes Levi.

I saw Mikasa after a while I tried to get to her as fast as possible not looking out and being pretty out of control with my equipment. "Mikasa!" I was way too focused on getting to her that I didn't know I was way out of control so I slammed into a wall falling directly onto the ground. I heard my bones crack before everything went pitch black.


I woke up feeling sunlight on my eyes so everything got too bright. squeezing my eyes a little before opening them. I met the eyes of a worried Mikasa holding my hand. "Eren" she whispered. I felt my head ache and my chest burn I reached my hand to my head to feel bondage wrapped around it. "take it easy Eren you broke a few ribs and your head is wounded very bad" she spoke out squeezing my hand a little as she did. "where is Levi?" is the first thing I managed to say. Mikasa was avoiding my gaze and didn't speak up. "Mikasa, where is Levi?" I asked her once again raising my voice a little even though it was very painful. Mikasa's eyes were watering up as she tried to speak. "Eren captain Levi saved your life" she sobbed. "When you slammed into that wall a titan was heading your way, Levi picked you up to get you somewhere save" she was still avoiding my gaze. "he tried to kill off all the titans coming near you, losing his focus on actually killing, his first priority was you" she stayed silent for awhile. "that's what killed him" what? no, captain Levi can't be dead can he? he probably made it out alive! but what if he didn't?- did I kill him? because I'm so fucking stupid that's why for gods sake eren you are such a fucking loser you should've been the one getting eaten not hi- Mikasa spoke up getting me out of my thoughts. "Eren it's alright the city was saved" she looked at me this time. "you're safe" she faked smiled to make me feel better. but I absolutely did not.


I had been staying in the hospital for a few days now Mikasa and Armin visiting me very often till today. Someone walked into my room I didn't bother looking who it was till I heard a voice I knew way too good saying "Hey, Eren". "Levi!" I looked up but there was no Levi. Actually there was no one at all. I felt sadness building up inside of me as I turned around softly crying into my pillow. it's all my fault isn't it? I killed Levi because I was too reckless, it was my stupid mistake that lead to his death wasn't it? I started crying this time not bothering if I was being too loud. I missed Levi, I really did I felt like we actually started to bond and now he is dead. because of me.


I felt like I was losing my mind once I got out of the hospital. I couldn't get over the fact I killed Levi Ackerman. My mornings were boring without him knocking on my door at 5am, it was boring without him commanding me to do what he said, it was boring drinking water all alone at the grassfield. Of course I still had my friends but it was different they didn't do these things with me. I walked to the grassfield where Levi and I used to sit for the 5th time this week. I looked up not expecting to see Levi sitting there. am I fuvking dreaming? I ran towards him Levi looking up at me as I jumped right on top of him. "Levi!" I screamed probably being too loud but I didn't care. "b-but you died and-" I didn't even know what to say I couldn't even believe he was well and alive. "Hey Eren, I didn't die I managed to survive, I thought I wouldn't make it but here I am" he smiled. he fucking smiled. Levi smiled. "I got my way out of the titan but by then everyone was gone, Erwin found me and took me to a hospital not letting anyone know yet" he spoke. "also the spy I mentioned, yes he opened the gate" I was way too overwhelmed and I honestly didn't care about all of that crap right now. "Levi, how about you tell me that later and we start training now mh?" Levi nodded. "alright let's do it"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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