The trial causes outrage

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"Burn the witch," the crowd shouted. They raised their voices and chanted the same thing over and over again. "Burn the witch. Burn the bitch!"

"SILENCE," said the judge. He pounded his gavel on the podium and glared at the crowd. He swiftly turned his head and looked at Buttercupt Cumbersnatch. "Have you made the decision yet, jury?" Banister Crumblebench and the rest of the jury nodded their heads. Bodysnatch Cabbagepatch raised his eyes up to the jury and said," oof."

The Judge turned back around in his seat and pointed his meaty elongate at the witch. "You are deemed Guilty!" 

The crowd went wild. They screamed and cried and laughed, but the main emotion was blood lust. Botanical Cumbersome was the most joyful. He threw his head back and laughed. He tried to stand up and jeer at the accused witch, but he dropped his croissant. he gently bent down to pick it up, but tripped over the jury balcony, falling and breaking his neck. The croissant rolled towards the witch's foot. She picked it up and smiled, nibbling on it before her demise. 

The crowd turned towards Frumious Bandersnatch and stared at his lifeless carcass Cramplescrunch. One individual in the crowd put a dandelion behind his ear and tossed him out the hood. The crowd returned to the trial at hand. 

They continued the chanting as the executioner crossed the glossy floor towards the witch. She stared at the witch and smiled. She raised her match and said," any last words, bitch?" 

The witch turned her head towards the executioner and softly said, "suck my ass." At that moment, Temitope Otmar burst through the doors and screamed, "Stop!" 

The witch turned her head and gasped. "Otmar!" 

She went up in flames. 

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