Savage Hearts

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I saw him staring. Not glancing but, full on staring. I finally decided to take a look at him and turned my head. His deep forest green eyes peirced into my hazel eyes. Why is he not looking away? I took a moment and looked at him. My eyes raked over his masculine figure and sharp features. He had short black hair but the front of his hair was sticking up. His hair looked soft, I wanted to run my hands through it and feel it.

I know, not usual thoughts but, there was something about him. He had light skin that made his green forest eyes pop out. He looked like he was in his early 20's. Tall, muscular, and his lips were plump. Sure they looked plump but, what caught my attention was how they were formed into a smirk. I looked back into his eyes and saw that he knew what I was doing. I quickly turned my head to hide my blush away from his teasing smirk, feeling mortified at what I had just done. Those thoughts were not normal but one particular thought stood out to me. A question. Who was he?


Storm was there for one reason and one reason only. Her mother had made her. Her mother and her never got along so thats most likeley why she always stayed at her grandmothers cabin in the woods. Back to the present, here she was, in her little red ballgown, 17 years of age, ready for a suitor. one problem, she didnt want one. In her opinion, she was too young to marry, especially to one of these rich slobs, so why was her mother making her?

Rider was there to find his beloved and instantly recognised her. She was the one, he could smell her and couldnt stop staring. He remebered that night, how she trembled with fear from his true form. His secret he would never tell her. He would get her alright, she just wouldnt be able to discover his true form. His dark secret. He remembered how she locked eyes with his and ran. He didnt chase after her, he knew he would scare her more in his true form.

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