Savage Hearts: Chapter One

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I gasped in pain as my mother yanked and tugged on my hair. This was exhausting and painful. What was so important about looking my best? Oh, that's right, the suitors. Why women absolutley needed men completely mind boggled me. Im happy being alone with twenty seven cats if that means that my mother will leave my god forsaken hair alone. Maybe I can run away at the last minute before the ball, but im pretty sure that people will notice a girl running in a ballgown in the middle of the woods.

Why does my mother even care about me finding a husband, she doesn't care for me on a regular basis. Maybe it's because she wants to get rid of me, i'd happily oblige if she packed my bags one day and sent me off. I'd be happy with any arrangement really, except for a husband. Trust me, im willing to do anything to get away from my wretched mother but, i'd rather not escape one troubled mother just to run into one troubled husband. Then that would just be idiotic of me, maybe I could pack my bags and run away. I shuddered in fear as I remembered what had happened last time that I attempted that. I ended up running into a beast so frightening, it's a wonder how im still alive.


Lightning flashed in the sky as I ran away from the cabin that my dear old grandmother lived in. I would miss her, probably the only thing I would miss. It's sad really, she pratically raised me and im ungrateful enough to run away from her, I just cannot stand my mother. If she didn't want to raise me, why give birth to me? Maybe my mother was just idiotic back when she was younger and foolish. I wont make the same mistake she made, ill raise my children and care for them. Just not right now, I wont get married to a slobish rich man who only cares for your offspring. I wont be treated like a slave, I am to be respected, rich or not.

I looked back at the cabin and ran like my life depended on it,because it did. I ran deper and deeper into the woods as I felt relief wash over me. I wont have to go back, nobody would find me out here, it's forbidden to go into these parts of the woods. They say that a beast so terrifying lives in these parts, they say that he will rip you to shreds if you even go near his territory. Im not the only foolish one who has ran into these parts willingly but, im the only foolish one who is still alive. That counts for me, it counts very much.

The deeper I ran the darker it got but lightening was still flashing in the cloudy sky. It would rain soon and I have not even a single cloak to protect me from its wet drops. I looked ahead of me as I slowed down and walked. I can't believe my mother would actually go against all my wishes and tell me that I absolutley had to find a suitor. She hasn't done one single motherly action my whole life and expect's me to obey her every wish? Over my dead body! The ball is on friday and it was saturday, I had time but I didn't want time. I didn't exactly want anything. I may sound a little dramatic but I knew my one goal and that was to not marry. Never in my life have I actually thought my mother would go this far.

I didn't notice until I kicked a rock into a tree but I was mumbling my every thought out loud for the world to hear. I flushed embarrased of my ignorance but not one soul was around to hear my problems because I was in the forbidden side of the woods. I heard growling coming from the right and it was coming nearer. The growling stopped as I came face to face with glowing yellow eyes and a snout. It wasn't bearing it's teeth at me like it should've whic meant, it didn't think of me as a threat. I did the only thing I could think of, I slowly backed away, eyes widening in fright, the beast followed my every move. I was truly and utterly terrified.

It's common sense that screamong is probably the most idiotic and cliche thing to do but you never know what will happen unless your in one of these situations. As you can guess, im the idiotic and cliche person to do this. I let out a screech as I turned to the opposite direction of the beast and ran as fast as my two short legs could take me. I heard a howl and automatically knew it wasn't chasing me. If it was chasing me, it would have caught me already and ripped me to shreds. I looked back and it had vanished. I looked ahead of me and fell to the ground backing away. It was right in front of me, watching me curiously. This is what happens in those stories that the villagers tell, the stories where the foolish young man or woman dies at the feet of the beast.

It sniffed my scent as I suddenly felt drowsy. Black dots were covering my vision as the beast nudged me, probably getting ready to eat me like in the stories. I would not cry, I would not show weakness. I let the darkness take over me in happiness as I realized that I wouldn't have to feel the pain of being ripped to shreds. I cherished that fact and felt pleased.


The next thing I knew, I woke up on the porch of my grandmothers cabin with her shaking me awake. She told me that I must have fell asleep while watching the lightening. It always did facinate me, thats why I was named Storm. But the thing is, I felt everything. It couldn't have been a dream. I felt it, or maybe im just going insane like my cousin. That dream gave me a particular feeling, a realistic feeling. I shook my head to get rid of those bad thoughts. My mother grunted in annoyance, afraid that I would mess up the updo that she was putting my hair in. Then suddenly, I was wishing that I was back in the woods getting eaten by the beast. Anything would have been better than being here, getting ready to please a suitor. Suddenly I was wishing that the darkness hadn't taken over. I let out a yelp as my mother tugged on some more of my hair, hopefully once she was done with it, I wouldn't be bald. Hopefully.


Hey guys! I updated, whatcha think? I worked harder then I usually do, my laziness vanished today. No, I didnt go to school today, yay!!! hahahahaha

So anyway do the followng and I will update:




Thanks guys, love ya! See you next update hopefully hahaha

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