Random and Funny things 2

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- That awkward moment when you've already said "what?" three times and still have know idea what the person said, so you just agree.

- You ask a person a question you already know the answer to just to see if the person will lie.

- That awesome moment when your f***ing happy and you don't know why?

- That awesome moment when you listen to old songs and they remind you of the good old days.

- That moment when you want to listen to a song but can't remember the title or the artist.

- That awkward moment when you put something in a safe place so you don't loose it but then you forget where that safe place is.

- We all know that person who eats alot but never gets fat.

- It's always fun listening to someone's lie when you already know the truth.

- That amazing feeling when you arrive home and jump into your bed!

- That awkward moment when your late to class and everyone looks at you like you killed someone.

- The times when you eat all of your popcorn before the movie started.

- I love how in scary movies the person yells out "Hello?" as if the bad guy is gonna be like "yeah? im in the kitchen want a sandwich?".

- Everyone's signed up for something and clicked the 'I have read and agree to the terms of use...' when you haven't.

- The awkward moment when you accidentally bite my tongue.

- The awkward moment when your class decides to be quiet for once and that's the moment you stomach decides to growl.

- Awkwardly standing there as your friends talking to someone you don't know.

- Weird how you instantly need to go to the toilet as soon as you arrive home.

- Lazy people fact #624337586594678                                                                                                    You were to lazy to read that number ^.

- That mini heart attack you get when you send a text to the wrong person.

- Hate it when people are at your house and ask "Do you have a bathroom" it's like No we shit in the yard.

- That Awkward moment when your crush is giving you advice on who you should go out with.

- People say that crying is a sign of weakness but when you were a baby it was a sign that you were alive :D 

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