t w e n t y

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i quietly clicked the door shut, twisting the lock. the house was dark aside from craig's room upstairs. i noticed a lump under a couch blanket and realised that she hadn't gone home. my heart dropped as i stared at the motionless, sleeping bev. i bit my lip and treaded lightly up the stairs. it felt like i had lingered for decades on each wooden plank. my heart raced, fearing the hurricane that might accompany bev with her awakening. thankfully, no noticeable noice was produced on the century long journey up the stairs. my feet found speed as i locked target onto his bedroom door. my fingers wrapped around the cool metal and twisted.

"sorry for ruining your night." he said his back to the door. his head was hanging down. someone is having a bad trip. i sat down beside him on his mattress and rubbed his back.

"you have nothing to apologise for or to be ashamed of. you were doing what your nature calls for, it wasn't your fault that bev is a fucking lunatic with trespassing tendencies."

"you're trying too hard with your acceptance." he muttered, falling back onto the duvet and throwing his hands over his head. he looked into my eyes. "where did your friends go, anyway?" i laid back beside him and exhaled.

"we went to an ice cream parlour where we met a particularly upsetting waitress." i said, recalling the waves of jealously that washed over my body. "i decided to leave those suckers high and dry and come back to our regal castle on meth kingdom avenue." he laughed and rolled onto his side to face me.

"you do realise that boy has a tremendous crush on you?"

"i do."

"what are you gonna do about it?"

"i don't know." i said, exhaling shorting after and sitting up. he stirred so many hidden emotions by existing. thinking about him made me mad, but only because he wasn't with him. and being with him made me mad because i didn't have the courage to throw myself at him like i wanted to. craig laughed and sat up with me.

"his friend can sure as hell give good head." this made me severely uncomfortable. i got up and left his room, stumbling over my own feet and trying to erase mental images of eddie leaning into my brother's lap. i successfully launched myself into my bed, hearing the door slam behind me. the credits music for drop dead fred played in the background, and i could hear a deep snore coming from mum's room. who knew a woman could make a noise so gutteral.

in this moment, i was scared out of my pants. you see, i had not opened my eyes upon entry, therefore i did not see who may or may not have slipped into my bedroom. so, when richie opened his mouth and spoke, i fell off the bed and almost screamed.

"jesus, didn't know i was that dead to you. sorry to raise from the dead and cause you to see a ghost." i put my hand on my heart and stood up.

"you shouldn't come into my room without asking." my voice was small and shaking from the recent startle. he smiled cockily and grabbed my hands, pulling me onto the bed beside him.

"does that mean i get to come into your room more often?" i crawled into his arms and nodded. "what else do i get to cum into?" he laughed and ran his hand through my hair, massaging lightly.

"cum into a blender, you asshole." i shoved him away and turned off the tv. the room was entirely dark, the night only casting the light of the moon through my partially closed curtains. his hands - large and warm - wrapped around my waist and brought me back to his side like a father to a misbehaving child.

"now, now, lets not use cruel words." he planted a kiss to my ear. we were seated, his legs spread wide enough for me to sit close to his chest. i melted into him, basking in his ceaseless affections. his hands slowly glided up my arms, across my collarbones and onto the buttons of my - or, more accurately, his - shirt. "always, return borrowed property, princess." his voice was...different. like having me pressed against him set something free, a more dominant personality. it was deep and rumbled, it shook me to the core. i couldn't have protested if i had wanted to. he moved painfully slowly, making sure to only graze my bare flesh with his hands.

i, an immature teenage girl, couldn't help but compare bill's technique of undressing me to richie's. bill was rushed, like he needed me. he couldn't take his eyes or his hands off me when he got the chance. it was flattering. but richie knew he had me, and he knew i wasn't gonna rush off, so he took his time to make me feel good, not him. truly selfless and retrained.

finally, his fingers slipped the final button from it's hole and hummed against my shoulder.

"move, princess." i found myself obeying his command immediately, shuffling away from him. at first, i panicked. what if he's over it already? what if he wants taylor instead? but then i felt him slip the fabric from my body completely. "you can take care of the pants, independant woman and all." i popped the button and borderline ripped them from my body. "ease up, sex demon." i would have laughed if i wasn't so incredibly aroused. when i turned to face him, he was still clothed.

"aren't you gonna...change that?" i gestured to his clothes and bit my lip, big eyes staring through his glasses and into his eyes. he shook his head and pulled my bra strap up onto my shoulder.

"baby, i'm not fucking you tonight. i'm just gonna give whoever is in the room next to us a run for their money for the loudest person under this roof."


oh wow ok


because nobody understands what i was trying to communicate; richie won't be doing fukfuk just yet, but intends to do something else in sexual nature to make june scream.

still confused?

oh well.

ugly // richie tozierWhere stories live. Discover now