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I sit bored and utterly silent in a dome shaped room. I can't believe how far tecnology has come since my childhood years. Classrooms used to be these big, square rooms where everyone interacted and learned with each other. I guess the fact that nobody sees each other hardly ever during school now has some impact on how much I am socially awkward. Now we learn in these...eggs, I guess. Big metal domes programed to teach you based on your progress level. No more 1st grade or whatever. Its just "Yeah, I'm learning Arabic, how about you?" Or something like that. I wouldn't really know. I don't talk to people. They don't make any sense to me. They are also, by far, the cruelest beings that exist. Anyway, I'm learning about the stars. A big, entirely unexplored place that we know absolutely nothing about, except that from Earth, they are the most beautiful veiw. I really don't know what to expect from this lesson, except maybe a couple articles on HOW TO STARGAZE or THE BEST STARGAZING SPOTS. Just as I'm about to click on the lesson though, the bell imbeded in my egg sounds for lunch, the only socializing you'll do that day. Sighing, I open the hatch of my egg and leave.

The lunchroom isn't nearly as impressive as the eggs. This time, it's just a huge room filled with dining tables and chairs. The school, for some reason, doesn't serve lunch. The principle expects you to scrape together something to eat. I haven't gone anywhere near that awful place in years. For some reason though, I am compelled to go in the room today. Entering the room stole my breath. It was completely gone. The lunchroom had quite simply, evolved. The ceiling was raised and had beautiful paintings of angels playing harps, and had a gold trim. The tables were luxury. I watched as my classmates-if you can call them that-typed into a keypad exactly what they wanted to eat, and in what type of environment. I let an amazed laugh escape, and as quickly as possible, found a seat.

The keyboard popped up in front of me. Smiling, I typed: Grilled salmon and carrots under a starry night sky. Alone. As soon as I pressed the enter button, my dream became a reality. It was so much better than I imagined. The sky was pitch-black, and I swear I could see every star. My salmon emmited a welcoming smell, begging to be eaten. I picked up my fork and began to eat.

It was an unimaginable heaven, and it took all my willpower to leave the lunchroom when the bell sounded. I groaned, pushing a small flickering button to my left. The room brightened, and all of a sudden, I was back in the lunchroom. My classmates were all rising from their own fantasy, and I knew I would be here often. Not socializing, but maybe stargazing, or riding a dragon. Something like that.

Quick A.N. Hey guys! Thank you for reading! I'm leaving it up to you whether the next story is from Shawn's or Alice's P.O.V. So just comment your thoughts!

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