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I've been over here in Iceland for about year and a half  now and it's amazing---apart of me feels guilty and that they will find me but then again I'm happy I'm out and reunited with my girlfriend. I've gotten  accustomed to this place and it's really cool expect I don't really know what they are saying sometimes.

About after two or three months after I came here, I showed my appreciation for everything that Brenda did especially sticking by myself by proposing and of course she said yes. I was in the dressing room getting ready for our ceremony---since we didn't have much family or friends we decided on a very small and intimate wedding.

"Hey what's the matter" Tony's wife said coming in the room

"Oh nothing I was just thinking" I replied

"Are you nervous"she asked

" A little...what if she changed her mind"I asked shaking

"Sweetheart I know Brenda and she'll never do that...she loves you for christ sake"

"I know I know I'm just-"

"Scared"she said cutting me off


"Don't be just go out there and say your vows and sweep her off her feet it's gonna be okay"she said with a smile

" Were you like this on your wedding day"I asked

"Oh no of anything, he was you...that motherfucker was lucky I even said yes"

"What why" I asked now laughing

"He was a pain in the ass and he lied to me after her almost killed me but I almost killed him too so I guess we were even and at the end of the day I loved that man more than anything"

"I hope we become like you guys" I said

"Oh honey don't be so foolish you're not that crazy"

"I killed people" I said with a straight face

"You're right"she said laughing

"Come on I got a bride waiting on me"

I got myself together then went to stand in my spot awaiting my woman---moments later the music started to play which meant she was coming.

Honestly I don't know who hired these bitches 'cause the song was so old school but I sounded nice and it was even better now since by bride was on her way to stand beside me she looked so beautiful by the way. Finally she stood by me and I could see the tears that had welled up in her eyes and I felt the exact same. We turned and held hands waiting for further instructions.

"Please be seated"said the minister

 "We’re all here today to celebrate the relationship of Brenda and January and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with one another. Together we’re a group of the most important people in their lives and they’ve brought us here to publically recognize that we’ve all played some special part in the love they share today.
Brenda and January wanted me to thank you all for being here and to recognize how important each and every one of you are to their relationship. They would also like to recognize all of those who couldn’t make it here today as they are certainly missed but not forgotten on this day of celebration —speaking of important people, there were none more important in influencing the lives of Brenda and January than these people right here. With that being said, who gives Brenda away in marriage to this woman?"

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