Bi-Polar Disorder

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If you don't know and want to know what it's like to have Bi-Polar Disorder well then.. why would you want to know what thats like? Let me tell you, It sucks.

But no matter why you're here reading this, I will oblige.

Its like a roller coaster, one that goes on for your entire life and always has changing tracks. You might think, well thats life, what the hell are you talking about? Yes it is like life but not quite, or at all. Its like.. Ok, Imagine the roller coaster being super low to the ground, going slow, like a child's ride is sadness/Depression. and going super high and fast is like being Joyful and happy. Bi-Polar Disorder is like constantly being on a child's ride and then something clicks and suddenly your on a fast pace, high up, thrilling coaster. Basically, you constantly feel depressed, or numb, even if your smiling. Until something in your head flips a switch and suddenly you're ecstatic about life and everything is happy sunshine rainbows and nothing can ruin anything ever again! Except that couldn't be more wrong. Because once all that happy bullcrap ends, Its like the roller coaster went super low, and suddenly there wasn't any tracks. Like suddenly you crash into the ground passing depression and sadness into just a state of so much pain and hurt that it feels as if nothing could be worse. If you've ever felt depression before, this is easily 10x worse. like being suicidal except your in so much pain that killing yourself wouldn't even solve the issue. eventually though you do manage to pick yourself back up and return to your numb state,, only for it to happen all over again

And that, is what it feels like to have Bi-Polar Disorder.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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