Chapter Four

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I finally made it home and all I wanted was a shower and bed. Sasha and I were group texting with Ash and Troian. We were talking about everything under the sun. Sasha mentioned that she wanted to get back in the gym.

I knew she was a little self conscious about her weight but I thought she was beautiful. And I love her curves. If I'm honest with myself, I love everything about Sasha. From her spunky personality to her dimpled smile. And that gorgeous ass.

Sam: Shan!
Shay: Yes Sammy?
Sam: I just cleaned your closet like a month ago! Look at it!
Shay: Sorry Sammy! I was looking for something
Sam: Oh yeah? What were you looking for?
Shay: My teddy bear sweatshirt

I grinned at Sammy and she walked away. I turned back to the conversation.

Shay *Sash, U can always work out with me*
S *Oh yeah, so u can kill me?*
Shay *Naw, just work ur body real good*
Ashley *Oh shit! That sounds sexy! Can I watch?*
Shay *(Eye roll emoji) Ur a freak
S *Actualky, I'd love to workout with you Shay*
Shay *Cool! When r u free?*
S *Tomorrow morning Okay?*
Shay *Yes ma'am! Sounds good!*
T *I would say I'll come too buttttt... I'm sleeping in*
A *Right! We'll catch up later lol*

I laughed and shook my head. I texted Sasha the details for the gym that I go to. We agreed to meet at 6:15 in the morning. Sammy came back into the room and sat near my feet. She took them into her lap and began kneading them. I took a few videos for snap, joking around with Sammy.

Just as I ended the video, my little brother FaceTimed me. I hadn't seen him in a couple months and I missed him so much. We talked for almost two hours before I started drifting off to sleep. We said goodbye and I went to bed.


I'm kinda excited about working out with Shay. I've always admired her workouts on social media. She makes it look so easy. I didn't realize I had a huge smile on my face until Hudson came and wrapped his arms around me.

H: What's got you so smiley?
S: Nothing. Just happy right now
H: So, I'll have a couple of freelance gigs next week but for the most part, I'm free to travel to New York for the show
S: Awesome! It'll be amazing

He kissed my check before laying across the bed, scrolling through his phone. I heard him suck his teeth and let off a string of curses.

S: What's going on?
H: You're fans are fucking nuts
S: What's going on now?
H: Listen to this. "Why don't you get a job and stop following Sasha around all the time"
S: Babe, why do you ready that stuff?
H: It pops up in my feeds. I can't not see it Sasha
S: Hey, don't get upset. Don't let what they say bother you
H: I know babe. Then it's this one chick that keeps sending me pictures of you and Shay
S: WOW. Really? Let me see?

He showed me the picture and it took me by surprise at first. It was a picture of me I. The kitchen during one of my Good Taste episodes and someone photoshopped Shay into the picture. It was done really well because she looked like she was right there by my side.

S: That's actually a really good edit
H: Really babe?
S: (grabs his chin) Awww baby, I'm sowrrryyy (kisses him)
H: I have to admit, I used to get jealous of Shay a lot
S: Really? Why?
H: Your fans love you both together and honestly, you look so carefree with Shay
S: Hey, listen. You make me feel secure and loved. Trust me. The fans just need  more time to get used to you

I knew that some of the things posted online, especially on Twitter, make Hudson feel some type of way. There can be some pretty mean things on there. But he's been there for me since I was 12. I couldn't imagine him not by my side.

After cleaning up and taking a quick shower, I laid in bed and relaxed. Hudson got in on his side and kissed my cheek goodnight before turning over. I decided to get on Twitter just to check my feed. I made a post earlier to tease my fans about the upcoming announcement about this season's DWTS lineup. I posted a picture of my twirling with the caption "Big news coming! Can't wait to share."

I saw that Shay retweeted and responded to my picture. She wrote, "Go Sash! Can't wait for the news. #Wifey" My huge grin returned before I replied, "Thanks for the support wife." I giggled before putting my phone on the charger and scooting down in the bed.

I was anxious for tomorrow. I'm ready to get back in the gym and get my confidence back. Shay is the best. Can't wait.

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