Thump In The Woods

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She just kept running no looking back; she knew she couldn't stay there it was just a matter of time. Now she only has to get away, and just keep running until she finds somewhere she can stay for a while.      THUMP!     She had tripped on a fallen tree that she hadn't noticed until she had fallen over it, she prayed nobody was around to hear her fall

"I think I heard something" She heard someone saying, 'damn it just my luck' she thought.

"It was probably just an animal or something" Another voice replied.

"Maybe," The first voice said back. She tried to get back up, but as soon as she put pressure on her ankle, she let out an involuntary yelp and immediately clamped a hand over her mouth. Are you kidding me I sprained my ankle, now!?' she thought to herself

"Ok, that I heard, it sounds like an injured animal" The second voice replied.

"I'm going to make sure its ok," The first voice said and I heard leaves crunching suggesting they entered the woods. She looked around frantically for a place to hide as she heard the steps grow closer.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if it has rabies or something?" The second voice replied in a worried voice. She spotted somewhere to hide, she quickly scooted underneath the fallen tree that got her into this mess, to begin with.

"If its mouth is foaming I'll be sure to run," The first voice said in a sarcastic tone, their footsteps growing nearer. 'It is really quite gross under here they better hurry up' she thought from under the tree as she brushed a bug off her leg. The footsteps were finally here along with the person who was making them. She couldn't see any feet, but she was sure the footsteps were finally here they sounded like they were right on top of her, she was about to poke her head out when a pair of feet landed almost right in front of her. It was too dark to see the details of the shoes, but she could tell by their size that it was a boy's feet. She watched as they walked around the clearing looking for the cause of the noise when they faced her.

"Maybe it fell over the tree and went underneath to try to hide," He said out loud.

"Who are you talking to?" the second voice called, though it was so faint she hardly heard it. The boy started approaching the tree, but he was on the other side of the clearing, so she had a minute to figure out a plan. She reached for the pistol at her side but found that it had fallen out when she fell, she could see it glistening in the moonlight about a yard away. She acted.

She rolled out from under the tree grabbed the gun and pointed at the boy. It was too dark to make out any details of his face, but she cocked the gun.

"Don't come any closer or I shoot," she said to the mystery man. She could see his arms raised above his head.

"Don't shoot me I haven't done anything," He said pleading. For a split second, I thought I recognized his voice, but I instantly brushed it off.

"You saw me." She said trying to get up from her bent knee but wincing from the pain.

"Are you hurt?" The boy said with worry in his voice.

"That is none of your Damn business," She said back but unable to stand on her right leg due to the immense pain.

"Let me help you, and then you can go, and I will never say a word, I swear." He said taking a small step towards her.

"Your offering to help me? I'm literally pointing a gun at you, what is wrong with you?" She asked but lowering her gun. The boy stepped into a patch of moonlight.

"Shaun?!" She said confused.

"Kat?!" He asked even more confused.

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