"But you're not innocent your just as guilty."

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"I'll bring you out some blankets and a pillow. It's still early, take a shower. I want you to show me where you stay. That picture in your file tells me so many things about you already." I say to him.

"Why do you want to know about me?" Louis questions shoving his hands in his pockets.

"You are nothing you say you are Louis." I say inching towards him slowly.

He begins backing away.

"I am!" Louis squeaks as I pin against the wall my arm against his neck.

He struggles but he gives up realizing I'm much stronger than him.

"I swear to god I am who I am Harry!" Louis pleads.

"This doesn't make any sense to me at all," I say letting him go and combing fingers through my hair, "just never mind go shower and then you're going to show me where you stay." I say.

Silently Louis made his way to the bathroom. Moments later I heard the water start so I made myself comfortable on the couch while I waited on my new protectee to shower. None of this makes sense to me at all. Most of the people I've had to protect were footie players or some kind of famous. Then there's Louis totally normal, nothing close to famous or even a footie player. Just a lad looking for some safety from people after him. Only to save his own ass? From what? Was he part some drug gang? Those are dangerous, very dangerous. From what I've learned in my years as an agent you sacrifice anything just to save your ass. Even if it meant leaving and that's what Louis did. He's tattled and now he's running because of it. I know what will happen if they find him and if I can't stop them we're both fucked. We're both dead. This is new level, this isn't shielding someone from aggressive photographers or raging fans. It's not staying by someone 24/7 it's new. It's making sure-

"Harry." Louis says snapping me from my unending thoughts.

I shook my head blinking a few times.

"Yes?" I look at him.

"I'm ready to go." he says.

I nod silently and grab my keys. We get in my car and for more than half the ride it's silent before Louis tells me to stop here. I scrunch my brows together and study the surroundings. I look at Louis giving him a confused look.

"It's around the corner. There's other people here too and I don't know if they have ways of communication with anyone I'm running from." he explains.

"Smart, but not smart enough. If you're so worried about the snitch telling then we should've parked way back there and you don't have to worry about me." I say.

He shakes his head putting on his hat.

"Do you have a sweatshirt or something to put over that?" he motions to my suitshirt and pants.

"No Louis, I don't. Get your ass out the car and come on." I say reaching in the console for my gun before sliding it in the back waist of my pants.

Louis eyes go big.

"Don't worry I don't carry it all the time just in times like this, I won't be able to fight off 5 men that's like a sitting duck. You are literally making this so dangerous." I say.

He exhales hard before getting out the car and starting down the sidewalk. It's a bit rundown through here, I study the scattered people carefully. They're watching us and they are watching us like hawks. First sign of danger. I instinctively grab Louis pulling him to my side.

"Do they know?" I question lowly.

"About what?" Louis says a little too loudly.

"Keep your voice down, do they know who I am? If not they do now and they are not happy." I say.

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