~♡ 53 ♡~

7.2K 84 256

~Who kisses your cuts~

Aries: BEN Drowned

Taurus: Masky

Gemini: Hoodie

Cancer: Homicidal Liu

Leo: Dark Link

Virgo: Eyeless Jack

Libra: Slenderman

Scorpio: Jeff The Killer

Sagittarius: Laughing Jack

Capricorn: Ticci Toby

Aquarius: Candy Pop

Pisces: The Bloody Painter


Oh my god...you people...

Thank you so much for over 53k!!!

Honestly I didn't know ut will go that far!

Me and my friend are saying stuff like 'it's going to come up to 30k' 'no 40k' (and on and on)

So right now we agreed on 80k.

Let's see if we can get this book to that beautiful number.

Also thank you to ChaosEevee for requesting!

Bye Bye!


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