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You shivered in the chilly air. This winter was supposed to be mild, but you were still freezing. You zipped up your coat as you continued down the sidewalk, taking brisk steps.

Most mornings, you met your boyfriend Katsuki during the walk to school. He hadn't answered your text earlier that morning, so you decided to check in on him. His parents must have already left for work because the front door was unlocked, so you let yourself in as you normally would. 

"Katsuki..." you called out, wondering if he was still home. There was no reply, so you decided to check things out. You kicked off your boots at the front door and dropped your backpack. It made the most sense to check his bedroom first, so you walked up the stairs. His door was still closed so  you lightly knocked before peeking in. 

Katsuki lay in bed still, the sunlight filtering through his blinds, casting a golden shine on his handsome face. He still seemed to be sleeping. You smiled softly at your sleeping boyfriend, it was nice seeing him look so calm as his intense personality doesn't often call for moments like this.

After a moment of observing how handsome he really was, you went to close his door and leave so you could be on your way to school.

"Y/N..." his raspy voice called out. You blushed, realizing he probably knew how long you were standing there for. You opened the door back up a bit.

"Good morning, Katsuki. You should probably get up soon, or else we'll be late for class," you tell him.

"Fuck class, my mom gave me permission to stay home. The cold weather is shitty for my quirk, so I need a few days to adjust," he said gruffly, opening his eyes a peek. He kicked the blankets down and sat up in bed, shivering from the cold air hitting his chest. 

You blush again and look down. "Oh- I'll miss you these few days the-" You began, only to notice the clock on his messy nightstand read 8:10. You needed to leave or else you would be late for class. "I'm really sorry Katsuki, but I gotta go so I'm not late!" 

You go over to him for a quick kiss before you have to go outside to brave the cold once again. As you lean in, he quickly turns his head so you kiss his check instead.

"You should stay with me instead," he whispers. You pull away, your face flushing red only to see Katsuki with wide eyes and an innocent expression on his face. He cracked a bit of a smile. "Come on Y/N, please! We can use this as an extra day to catch up on our class material," he pleaded.

Both you and Katsuki were among the top in the class, so review wasn't really necessary but you knew how badly he wanted you to stay if he suggested extra homework. 

You pulled off your winter coat and sat on the edge of the bed. "Well I guess- but we need to spend at least an hour each on physics and chemistry!" you told him, to which he groaned in response. 

He wrapped his arms around your tummy and pulled you down onto the bed with him and put the blanket over both of you. You were starting to warm up. Katsuki wrapped one arm around your midsection and pulled you towards his body so he was spooning you. He nuzzled his head on your shoulder and gave you a quick peck on the head.

"I love you," he grumbled. You smiled and squeezed his hand. His body was incredibly warm and everything smelled like him- you felt safe and content. Slowly you started to drift off.

Katsuki heard your steady breathing and light snores, and took it as his signal that he could fall asleep now too, holding you in his arms.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! This one was pretty short compared to the usual length of my one shots, but if you liked my writing style please consider adding this book to your library so you get a notification for the next character!

Have a good day everyone

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