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lucasfriar: hey blondie

mayahart: hello brunette

lucasfriar: hey so I'm going to NYC this weekend do you think you'd want to meet up?

mayahart: wait really?

lucasfriar: yea..?

mayahart: who else have you told?

lucasfriar: just you.

lucasfriar: do you want too? It is cool if you don't.

mayahart: no, yeah totally lets meet up

lucasfriar: Okay Cool! I'll text you when I get there and we can hang out

mayahart: Yeah Great, would you want to meet up with everyone else? I could text them?

lucasfriar: just you. At least when I first get there

mayahart: should I be worried? Lol

lucasfriar: no haha

mayahart: Okay Great. So wyd?

rileymathews: hi maya!

mayahart: hey Riley!

rileymathews: do you wanna come over today?

mayahart: come over really?

rileymathews: Yea! My mom wants to meet you again and so does my dad, they liked meeting you at the party

mayahart: well I'll have to check my very busy schedule

rileymathews: come on! Please!

mayahart: time?

rileymathews: 4?

mayahart: Yeah sure I can move some stuff around

rileymathews: yay! I'm text you my address

zaybabineaux: hey

farkleminkus: what's up

zaybabineaux: I have some news

farkleminkus: what is it?

zaybabineaux: Okay! I wanna tell you but we've had a huge discussion about people telling other people's secrets and I don't know what to do!

zaybabineaux: but I have to tell someone!!

farkleminkus: you are such a drama starter

zaybabineaux: I know! But this shouldn't start drama

farkleminkus: well, what is it?

zaybabineaux: So you want me to tell you?

farkleminkus: I have a feeling you will either way

zaybabineaux: Yea true, it is about Lucas

farkleminkus: you have a thing for telling his secrets don't you?

zaybabineaux: Yeah funny huh? Okay anyway it isn't a big deal but he is bi!

zaybabineaux: I'm in love!

farkleminkus: you are gay? Or bi?

zaybabineaux: no, I'm straight but now I wanna play match maker and get him a guy!

farkleminkus: you love to meddle.

zaybabineaux: Yea. I need your help though. Know any gay and/or bi guys?

farkleminkus: oh dear lord.

rileymathews: hey Lucas!

lucasfriar: hey Riley

rileymathews: what are you doing?

lucasfriar: just hanging around my pappy joe's house

rileymathews: Cool!

lucasfriar: yep.

lucasfriar: you?

rileymathews: hanging out with maya

rileymathews: but she is talking to my uncle josh right now haha

lucasfriar: She is?

rileymathews: Yea, I think she likes him, she keeps calling him uncle boing? Lol

lucasfriar: oh. Cool

rileymathews: I was thinking, do you maybe wanna, date?

lucasfriar: are you asking me out??

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