The Mysterious Beginning

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"DINNER IS READY!" Hetalia called out to the others. 

The sound of footsteps going down the stairs can be heard from the kitchen. It seemed like someone was excited about the food. The first to arrive and sit down was Homestuck. He was out of breath and was breathing heavily. Hetalia sat down next to Homestuck smiling as usual.

"Now why are you out of breath?" Hetalia chuckled. "Did you run?"

"Yeah..." Homestuck was catching his breath as he slightly smiled.

"Why?" Hetalia asked.

Supernatural then came stumbling in the kitchen panting. He glared at Homestuck and sat in front of Hetalia.

"Were you guys racing?" Hetalia laughed.

"Yeah but then Homestuck had to push me." Supernatural rolled his eyes. "Such a cheater."

"It was just a little nudge." Homestuck smirked.

"Bullshit!" Supernatural slammed his hands on the table.

"Hey." Hetalia looked at Supernatural smiling a bit. "Don't break the table now."

"Oh..." Supernatural cleared his throat. "Sorry."

After a few seconds Doctor Who came walking in smiling.

"Hey guys." Doctor Who sat down. "So what are we eating?"

"Oh we are eating REAL mexican tacos." Hetalia smiled. "Not the hard shell ones."

"Oooh nice!" Doctor Who smiled back.

"Is that salsa?" Supernatural asked.

"Yup!" Hetalia said with excitement in his voice.

"Is it spicy?" Homestuck asked.

"Yeah but don't worry, it's not THAT spicy." Hetalia reassured them.

"Sorry I took a while." Sherlock walked in the kitchen. "I was reading some things."

"It's fine!" Hetalia said. "Come on sit down!"

Sherlock did just that. Everyone started to eat and talk about their day.

"So I have a new episode coming out tomorrow." Supernatural said. 

"Oh yeah everything is getting better you got Castiel back." Hetalia smiled. "But Jack left so that's kinds bad."

"Yeah I'm trying not to get my hopes up." Supernatural chuckled. "Cause they always get crushed. I'm kinda used to it."

"Damn." Homestuck said. "Your show is very depressing."

"I know." Supernatural nodded. "12 seasons of heartbreak."

Supernatural chuckled as he ate. They continued to talk to each other about random things. They all laughed together and they were like a happy family enjoying their dinner. As some time passed by everyone started cleaning up. Hetalia was washing dishes. Homestuck was picking up the table. Supernatural was drying the dishes. Sherlock and Doctor Who were putting the dishes away. Everyone was finally done and they started heading towards their own rooms. Hetalia was the last one to leave the kitchen. Once he walked out he saw Supernatural sitting on the stairs.

"Oh hey." Hetalia started to turn off the lights. "You need something?"

"I just waited for you." Supernatural smiled.

"Really?" Hetalia tilted his head. "What for?"

"Uh..." Supernatural paused.

"So?" Hetalia started walking up the stairs.

"Do you have a book that I could maybe read?" Supernatural asked as he followed. "I have nothing to do tonight and I...I don't know I'm bored."

"Don't you have technology to help you with that?" Hetalia chuckled lightly. 

"I mean...I think something a little different would be good." Supernatural smiled.

"You don't have any lore books or anything?" Hetalia stopped at the door of his room.

"Sadly not at all." Supernatural shook his head from side to side. "Which is kinda shocking honestly."

"Hm alright." Hetalia opened his door. "Come in then you could look for a book you want."

Supernatural nodded and followed Hetalia in to the room. Hetalia walked towards his drawers and grabbed some pajamas and a towel. Supernatural was looking through Hetalia's bookshelf.

"I'm going to take a shower." Hetalia said as he started to walk out of his room. "Take whatever catches your eye."

"Alright." Supernatural smiled.

Hetalia walked off to the bathroom. Supernatural hear Hetalia footsteps get fainter and then heard the bathroom door closed. He looked at all of the titles and found one specific book about all the different types of religions from different countries. Supernatural grabbed it and left Hetalia's room and went to his own room. He turned on his lamp that barely lit the room but he was still able to see. He lied down on his bed and covered himself with his own blanket and opened the book. Supernatural was so invested in the book he didn't realize there was knocking on the door. 

"Come in!" Supernatural sat up.

"Oh hey again." Hetalia slightly opened the door. "Just want to say that if you want to return the book just walk in my room cause I'm going to sleep now."

"This early?" Supernatural asked.

"What do you mean this early?" Hetalia chuckled. "It's about to be 2 in the morning."

"Oh wow..." Supernatural looked at his phone. "Time sure did fly by...yeah I'll return it when I'm done."

"Ok." Hetalia yawned. "Glad you're enjoying it. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Supernatural smiled.

Hetalia closed the door and left Supernatural on his bed reading. Supernatural has been reading for another hour. He was near to finishing it. As he was finishing up the last page he heard a noise. It sounded like it was from downstairs. Supernatural closed the book and slowly stood up from his bed. He walked out of his room with the book. From the top of the steps he looked down and saw nothing so he just shrugged it off and slowly walked to Hetalia's room. Supernatural opened the door and tip toed in. He put the book in the book shelf and turned to look at Hetalia, except he wasn't there. Supernatural was confused and walked out of the room. He then heard a noise in his room so Supernatural quickly opened his door. Nothing. He slowly looked around his room. He started going back to his bed cautiously. Then he turned to look at his desk beside his bed. There was old books and some old looking papers on it.

"What...?" Supernatural whispered to himself. "This is...some lore...and a spell...?"

Supernatural then felt a gust of cold wind so he looked at his window and it was open. He looked out the window and saw no one at all. Supernatural closed the window and went back to his desk that had the items on it. He looked at them for a bit but then put them in his drawer to look at the next day. Supernatural then lied down on his bed, covered himself with his sheet and started to drift off to sleep.

A/N: Quick little note I am getting help writing this from a friend @AwesomeAlbinoPotato like a co-writer! They gave me the idea for this book in fact! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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