1 - Mission (Not Completely) Impossible

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This is my first story on Wattpad. I hope that you guys enjoy it, and if you do (or if you don't) please:


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"Lieutenant General Summers reporting for duty, sir."

The King stared at his leading female soldier. He instantly liked her. There was no patronising or sarcastic tone to her voice when she greeted him, she gave him no pompous titles such as "Your majesty" or "Your highness".  She was a true soldier, he could see that. He could tell from her stance,  her expression and the scar on her collarbone which was only slightly visible beneath.

He remembered marking her, as he did to every other soldier that qualified to enter his military. Not standard protocol, he knew, but none of them ever made a complaint against it. Some wore their scars like badges of honour, others hid them away. By doing this, he could tell whether they were werewolves or humans. Summers... he wasn't so sure.

She didn't seem to care about her scar - she already had many of them. And her eyes were an empty, dull black. There was no hint of orange or gold in them, as he would have expected in a werewolf. But there was no other colour, either. He didn't honestly know what to make of her.

It didn't matter, he told himself. Then why did he think it did?

It doesn't, his mind hissed, and he didn't bother arguing with himself. She was, after all, only here so that she could do a job for him. A job he knew that she coluld complete successfully. If anyone could, it was Lieutenant Summers.

"A job has arisen, and I would like you to lead it."  he said bluntly. Summers simply said "Yes, sir."

He sighed. Her face was expressionless. For once he wasn't sure of himself. What should he do? He couldn't tell. He decided to elaborate.

"My son.."

Scarlet's head snapped up. Son? He didn't have a son. The Queen wasn't able to give birth. Everyone knew that. It had been a huge scandal when it was first discovered. Who would the throne pass to? Everyone had thought. Everyone except those high up in the Army. It wasn't their concern, as long as they kept their positions and still kept to the same rules. It wasn't as if the crown would pass to one of them, so why did it matter?

Eventually, (after the King lost his temper and told his people that he wouldn't be disclosing information surrounding his heir) talk had died down. Life had carried on as normal, and Scarlet took a moment to remember when exactly all of this had happened. She couldn't. She had been a Colonel at the time, busy training and going about her life. As I said, it hadn't affected her.

But she did remember some things about it. Like the fact that the King had no children, and could ever have. The doctor's had confirmed it. The Queen was infertile. So what the King mean?

The King noticed her look, the first thing that showed him that she had a human side. He was glad about that. Before, she had acted like a soulless cyborg. He wasn't sure that she even saw him, let alone heard what she said.

Then he realized why she had given him that look in the first place, and groaned mentally. This was going to take some explaining.

"I have a son." he told her "His name is Tyler. He was... lost as a child."

Summers nodded, taking in the information. Now wasn't the time to think it over, or feel anything about it. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time it had been right to feel anything.

The King had a son. That was all she needed to know.

She knew that there was more to the story, but didn't ask about it. She didn't want to set the King off, and it wasn't her job to ask questions. She had learnt that aged ten, when she first joined up. Even so, it now irritated her that she couldn't ask anything. She wasn't sure why. Listen, Scar, she scolded herself.

"I need to find him again. I am growing old..."

Scarlet wanted to laugh. The King was only in his forties. That was hardly old! AS if sensing her feelings, the king continued:

"There are also some some... political problems that have arisen."

Scarlet nodded. She understood. There were doubtless several people fighting for the throne, not knowing that there was already an heir in place. She just needed to find him. And bring him back.

"Do you know where he is?" she asked.

The King passed her a file. It was blue, and had the royal crest with CONFIDENTIAL stamped underneath it. She flicked through the information. There were descriptions of Tyler - not that they were much use, as they were more than ten years old. She wondered again how he had "disappeared." There were other things, too - sighting of him, a detailed description of the mission, a list of people on the team.

When Scarlet saw the list of members, she almost laughed. Or jumped for joy. Or both. But she didn't, because she wasn't that type of person. Besides, she wanted to appear controlled and mature in front of the King. He had, after all, given her the role as head of the team.

But she couldn't help asking:

"What's in it for me?"

The King smiled, as if he had been expecting her question. He probably had.

"If you are successful, I will make you General."

Scarlet's heart almost stopped. Almost. General! She wanted to scream. Being a  General was the highest rank in the Army, without being the General of the Army (Field Marshal), if you understand.

"You may go." The King said, but Scarlet was barely listening.

She walked out of his office in an elated daze, and walked down the staircase with a dreamy smile on her face.

"Hey, sis." Her 13-year-old brother greeted her, passing her on the stairs.

She scowled. "It's Lieutenant General Summers, if you don't mind, cadet"

She pushed past him. Sometimes she was ashamed to have a sibling who was only a Cadet. At his age, she had been a Captain. And she was only sixteen now!

As she made her way down the staircase, she heard Lieutenant General Jordan scold her brother. Jordan was sixty years old, strict and a good acquaintance of Scarlet. Not a friend. She didn't have friends. When you're in the army, you can't have friends, as you risk them dying on the battlefield.

Her brother, Mark, sounded abashed. She giggled quietly to herself, then realised what she was doing and shut up.

Even so, she was in a happy mood as she made her way towards her cabin to prepare and pack.

The Werewolf Prince and the Army Girl (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now