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"You don't understand Y/N has an ill" Lisa cry hard and Hannah hugged her"It's okay Lisa she will be fine she is a strong girl" Hannah said hugged her tightly "What? ill? What I'll? " Jungkook said with a worried tone "Heart cu-cu-*sob* cuncer " Hannah said.

Suga POV
I saw Hannah Lisa and Jungkook they were talking and I saw Jungkook tear up I go to them "Jungkookie you okay " I said and pat his back "It's Y-Y-Y/N" Jungkook slutter while sobbing "Why. She will be-" Someone cut me off "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HYUNG SHE SHE SHE HA-HAS AND ILL HEART CUNCER HYUNG!"Jungkook said WHAT THE ang Jungkook hugged him and I feel I'm going to tear up "Your not joking right " I said and I feel my tear coming out from eyes and they shook their head " Hyung you okay ?" An the other members "Hyung!!!!!" I cried and kneeld down "Hey hey hey you okay bro" V hyung said to me patted at my back "I I can't say it its hurt too much " I said and cover my face with my hands "Y/N has a cuncer a heart cuncer " Hannah said while patting Lisa's back and the members looked schock I looked at them tearing up and Jimin kneeld Down and I looked at V crying with silently no sounds I feel them Hannah called Y/N mom and dad "Aunt it's Y/N where here in the hospital " Hannah said while crying and I hear Aunts voice "WHAT !? I will cancel my meeting O gotta go bye " Aunt said and G-D is back tsk where this boy come after I looked at him his eyes looked red and a weat chicks I think he cry outside "Ah uh *snifes* I-I- need to fresh" Rapmon hyung said while wiping his tears " I'm coming with you " Jin hyung said and Rapmon nodded they exit

RapMon POV
When we're out of the hospital " GOD !!!! HELP Y/N PLS I DONT WANNA LOSE HER !!!!PLS GOD PLS " I shout at the skies and Jin hyung patted my back "I feel you. I know God love Y/N " Jin hyung said and I hugged him "HYUNG I DONT WANNA LOSE HER !!" I scream and cried "Hey hey don't lose hope just prey okay" Jin hyung said an I nodded and we parted apart "Hey whipe that's tears of you will not be handsome like me " Jin
hyung said jokingly and giggle "Thanks hyung for comforting me " I said and whipe off my tears "That what brothers do " He said while wiping his tears too" Kaja(let's go)" he said and I nodded thanks I have this friends of mine. We go to the hospital and wait. After a minute Y/N mom as dad are here Lisa and Hannah hugged Y/N's mom and Y/M moms cried at their shoulders and they broke apart and hugged Mr. Lee and Mr.Lee crying too "Hun! *sob*" Mrs. Lee said ang cry louder "Shush she will be okay I promise just pray and don't lose hope Arraso(okay)" Mr. Lee said and kissed her forehead and Mrs. Lee nodded aw there so cute. "Kidos thanks for taking care of her "Mr. Lee thanked at us and we say no prob after a 30 minutes waiting the doctor came "Okay who's the parents here or sister brother " The doctor said "I'm her mother" Mrs.Lee said while standing up"And I'm her father and he friends " Mr. Lee said and we bow at the doctor "So what happend to our daughter " Mrs.Lee said and the doctor sigh "I'm sorry to say this but Y/N's hearts is very weak we need a donor as soon as possible" The doctor said as they cried as I cried too "Well excuse me pls there's a nurse and tell her who's gonna donate " the doctor said and walk off I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her

I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her

Yoongi's POV
I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her

Jhope POV
I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her

Jimin POV
I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her

I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her

Jungkooks POV
I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her

"I will gonna donate my heart too Y/N this my way to say I loved her"some one said "WAIT!! Mr. Doctor I will " Someone said and raise his right hand and the members looked at the direction where that voice came from they looked schock and gasp "No no not you darling we will find another okay" Y/N mom said and the boy shook his head "No I hurt her ones and this is the way She see me That I loved her so
So so much plss let me do this this is Y/N's sake plss " the boy said "plss I don't want you too Y/N be so sad " Hannah said and begged " Pls don't stop me I loved her so much this the good way" The boy said and talked the nurse " You sure sir ?" The nurse said "Yeah Oh wait wait for me a minute I'll make a letter to her first " The boy said and the nurse gave him a paper and ballpen" Oh thanks " and the boy starting a letter after a minute "Done " The boy said and "Here Lisa pls give it to her when she wake up arraso(okay)" The boy said and waved at them and smile Lisa nodd and they cry and they go to the surgery room and the boy layed at the hospital bed and Y/N beside him "I love You Y/N " and a nurse inject me and I closed my eyes and smiled

To Be Continue
Hi guys while I'm writing this to be honest I'm crying 😭😭and who's the boy ? Who is he ? And pls leave a comment and a vote

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