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Beep ! Beep! Beep!
I woke up from my alarm and I snooze it I check my phone it's Monday oh gotta get ready and I do my morning routine I take a warm shower, bruh my teeth when I'm done I go to my closet and pick my uniform

Y/N POVBeep ! Beep! Beep!I woke up from my alarm and I snooze it I check my phone it's Monday oh gotta get ready and I do my morning routine I take a warm shower, bruh my teeth when I'm done I go to my closet and pick my uniform

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And when I'm done I put a light make up like this

And I just straight make hair and I got out in my room and closed it and go downstairs

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And I just straight make hair and I got out in my room and closed it and go downstairs

"Hey darling good morning" my mom said with a smile and I smile back "Good morning too" I said "Oh Jackson will be here in a minute his parents said that you go to your school together " my mom said and I just nod she served the food and Ineat it mmmm "Yum yum " I said and my mom chuckle after 5 minute "I'm done " I Dias and my mom take my plate and put it in the sink

I put my shoes on "Good bye mom take care" I sad and kiss her chicks "Good bye" she said an I waved and she waved back when I got out there is a car parked and when it open its Jackson "Hey morning Hun" he said teasingly "We're not married yet" I said and he laugh and I enter the car

I didn't realize Jackson interwined our fingers ten I just leave it after 7 minutes were arrived and he go out first and open the door like an gentle men I thanked him and he say no prob and we walked to the school and he interwined our fingers and I hear whispers "What te hell there dating" "Omo there so cute together" I blush "Hey he's perfect to me " "Y/N and Jackson is perfect together " I blush harder

"Hey you okay your red " he said an I looked at him "I'm okay It's just got in here " I said and he smile teasingly "I know your blushing couse you hear the whispers " he said teasingly and I shoot him a death glare and he gave me 'I give up okay' face

"Jackson!! " someone is yelling Jacksons name when I turn Omo it's Mark I have crush on him as I low my head  "Hey hyung what's up ?" Jackson said "Do you know Y/N I have crush on her. When I know she changed she s not nerd anymore she looks so beautiful like an angel" Mark said and the group cheered except Jackson"Hey girl who are you" Mark said and I liked at him me and he starting to blushing he gave me embarrassing smile ad I gave him too"What the ! Y/N heard it all" Bam Bam said and Jinyoung said "uh-ah mm- ah -Y-Y/n" he slutter and I just have him  a sweet smile and he blush so cute

"Y/N we miss you !! We all miss you!! Especially me!" I turned around and see Jimin running toward us and the rest BTS too "Hyung I miss her too. " V said and they shooting death glares"Sorry just bus-" Some one cut me off " Y/N I missed  you!" Lay running toward us and He gave me tight hug and I hugged him back and he kissed my forehead and I kiss his chicks and we giggle at each other

"Oppa I missed you too where were you" I said "In G-D's dorm we meet in the cafe and he invited me so I'm sleepy I take sleep there" He said with pouted and I pinched his chicks Mark Jackson and BTS I see there eyes is angry why ? Oh I think me and lay are each other

"Can I ask something? " bam bam said me and Lay nod "Are you ? You and this boy are in  relationship" bam bam said "Yeah" lay said teasingly  and we chukle and Lay put his arms around me and gave me nose to nose "Sorry guys bye me and Yixing are siblings " I said and they have a  shock  and happy expressions "I have a chance Yeahay" V said an the Got7 laugh except Mark and Jackson and te BTS smack his shoulder and we enter the school "Y/N !! Jagiya" G-D said and I have him a death glare and he put his arms in te air means he gave up "Hay Lay" G-D said and they high five "Hey Y/N c-can I invite you "G-D said and he rubbed his nape

"Invite what?" I said "D-Date " he slutter and Mark Jackson And BTS "Yah!!!" They yell "Sure" I said "Yes!!! I gotta go bye " G-D said and kissed my chicks and I blush hard "I gotta go too" Mark said "Let's go" Jinyoung said and the Got7 left so me and BTS "Why you did do that " Rapmon said "I don't know " I said "It's just came out from my mouth " I said "We're ma at you" and he turned back Jungkook said with a child voice "Sorry Kookie " I said and I back hug him

Jungkook POV
Pls God stay us like this for long pls "O-Okay I-I forgive you " I slutter where s te cool Jungkook here ? I turne to her and she smile

"Thanks Kookie " she said and kissed my chicks and I blush and my heart beat is going to explode "Aww Kookie is cute when he is blushing" She said teasingly I want to say some thing but The bell is ringing and we go to our classrooms and we waved I wish Y/N will be mine

-Skip To The End of school-

That was tired and I hear my phone ring I grab my phone and open it its G-d

G-D: Hey Y/N
Y/n: Hey G-d
G-d: I will pick you at 5 pm okay
Y/N: okay bye
G-D: See ya later

And I turn off my phone when I was walking "Hey "I turned around and see Shy Mark cute " Oh hey " I said "Let me take you home it's dangerous when you walk home alone " he said "Okay thanks " I said and he nod and were starting to walk

"so G-D ? He's your girlfriend " he said with a upset expression "No. He just my ex" you said "So he hurted you once how did you act like this ? Your so chill" he said an I laugh "He explain why. And he apologize " i said "Good" he said " So you like me ? Is it true" I said "Y-Yeah" He said and look down "I'm sorry I'm in school an I don't wanna hurt again " I said we arrived at my house and he grabbed my arms "I Love you Y/N and I will not hurt you I will wait to you and never gave up I don't wanna love some body else I want you. If your not in this world I'm nothing " he said and I was aww I liked him just an Idol but I don't know my feeling for him yet

I just give him a peck in the lips he was shock by my move "Bye" I said and he just stood there thinking what happend earlier and I saw him smiling and I enter the house I will prepare now

Marks POV
She-She-She just kissed me Bro!!!!!! I was smiling like an crazy person I was kicking and punching the air and I walk off with a bright smile in my face

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