Much-Needed Practice

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Shadow took a wide swing at my head, which I easily ducked under, and whilst he was vunerable, I took a jab at his shoulder and he took a step back. Purposely, I took a downward swing aimed at his head, curious to see if he had remembered how to defend himself, he raised his weapon and shrugged off the blow like it was nothing.

"Nice! You remember what I said then?" Shadow grimaced and rubbed his head,

"Yes, I remember when you knocked me unconscious one time because I didn't do that in time. My head still aches." I couldn't help but grin at his comment,

"Yeah, but now you know! And It seems to have worked!" I said, with a cocky smile plastered across my face, "Now, let's continue!"

We circled around each other, deciding when would be the best time to strike, the Shadow leapt in with a square blow to my stomach that winded me and caused me to keel over, whilst I was knelt down on the floor, he attempted to roll me onto the floor with the end of his weapon, but I took this moment of weakness to hit him in the chest and trip him over by sticking my foot out behind him as he stumbled backwards.


"Gr... Dammit Blue! You win again." Shadow lay on the floor and stared blankly at the ceiling for a while before I stuck out my hand, and offered to help him up, "Well, at least you respect your opponents." He said, rubbing his stomach and tossing the broom handle aside.

"We should probably get going, we wouldn't want to be too late for our lessons." I said as I tossed my 'sword' aside, "Let's go then!"

Shadow put his bag on his back, and I slung mine over my shoulder.

This morning was a great start to the day!

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