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[ 潮紅 ]

"Come on."

Momo couldn't mutter a word, trying hard to slow down her heartbeat when Mina casually grab her hand and walk side by side down the wet road.

The silence is killing Momo not because of the awkwardness Mina feels, but the muffled sound of the rain and Mina's breathing are giving Momo a hard time to breathe.

"D-Did you meant like we actually evolve around each other for so long already?"

"Well, we were in the same class during the third grade. Then, I got busy with some family stuff and moved to America but I came back for high school to--"

Mina got lost in her reasoning but got herself saved last minute when she realised that she's about to reveal one of her deepest secrets.

"To what?"

"To look for Izumi," and Mina laugh it off to keep her cool. Played well to reason of the minor one despite her main aim of coming back to Japan. She noticed that Momo's tone slightly sound like she's disappointed.

"Izumi is a real pain in the ass tho. He's that soft-hearted stubborn gayboy who would naturally make you feel like taking a responsibility on him with no specific reason."

"Oh," more disappointment sounded.

"But when he suddenly said that he's serious about you, I became interested in helping him with this."

Mina tried to see Momo's reaction but the latter stopped walking. Momo has her head down staring at her own feet. The bangs covering her eyes are dripping with raindrops.


"Stop it."

Mina gently put her hand on Momo's shoulder while the other is holding the umbrella they're sharing.

"What you mean, stop what?"

"I-I'm not straight, I'm very gay!"

Mina inhaled sharply due to shock. Momo bit her lower lips, not giving in to the tears threatening to fall.

"So stop giving hopes to Izumi. It would hurt him,"

It was drastic and dramatic. The moment the umbrell got thrown away. The moment Mina quickly pulled Momo for a hug. The moment Momo realised the road is clear, only both of them are there. The rain is still pouring heavily.
The time didn't stop, did it?

"I'm sorry."

Momo is still lost. The current situation is too much for her to process.

Why is Mina hugging her?

Did she just confessed that she's gay?

Is Mina fine with it? Or not?

"I never meant to turn you into the bad guy. I'm sorry I went overboard. I hurt you so bad, forcing you with Izumi and Izumi might be hurt to. I'm so sorry,"

Momo push Mina away, breaking the hug.

"No, it's okay. I'll just reject him gently later, okay? Stop feeling guilty."

Momo wipe off the raindrops on Mina's face. Momo was too busy wiping Mina's face dry to realise the latter slowly pulled a smile, feeling relieved due to Momo's affection.

Momo look up and giggle.

"What's with that stalker smile?"

And the time stopped once again when Mina suddenly planted her lips on Momo's forehead.


Mina pulled out back with her signature meaningful smile.

"I saw your PDA with Sana and thought that this might be your usual daily things to do. It's fine right for us to PDA too?"

Momo leave the question hanging and grab Mina's hand, giving a sign to continue their journey. Mina cheekily sneaks her fingers in between Momo's. Momo look up in confusion with crimson cheeks which become redder when Mina only reply with a smile.

[ ✖ ]

a/n ; weird chap kanpai

a/n ; weird chap kanpai

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