Chapter 1 : The First Encounter

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Narrator's POV

On a fine Friday morning the sun has just began his work with it's bright sun rays shines through every corner of America and there's Naomi still sleeping on her bed with her phone alarm playing the song <BTS's Fire> next to Naomi's bed.

"FIREE!!" still playing trying its might to wake Naomi up after a few moments Naomi finally got up and turn off her alarm and noticed that there's a sticky note attached behind her phone with words written:

"HEY!! Glad that you got up reading this note, if you haven't noticed that I changed your 7'o clock 'MIC drop' phone alarm to 'Fire' and hopefully that you will be able to wake up, I just wanna inform you that I left school early and won't be home by tonight so don't wait for me! Bye! Love ya, lots of loves from, Jessica."

Jessica was Naomi's one and only trusted friend and also housemate ever since Naomi left home from Singapore to America for her further studies but Naomi graduated a year earlier than Jessica.

Naomi smirked while reading the note that Jessica gave her and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and it's already 8'o clock.

After Naomi's graduation she worked as a DJ player at a radio station down the street near Jessica's school.

But usually Friday is actually an off-day for Naomi but she has to go to work today because there's a celebration ceremony happening today and she has to show up as a common worker.

Naomi quickly get off her bed and rushed into the bathroom for a wash up and get herself ready to leave the house.

She left the house and stop by a cafe below her apartment for a quick breakfast after she ordered her food she stared at her phone with her bias face on the lock screen its was BTS-V and checked the time it was 8:45 already!

She keep her phone behind the pocket of her jeans and left the cafe as soon as she got her food for a take out.

She was walking briskly because she doesn't want to get trip on anything or else she will lost her breakfast if she fell.

As she was walking she kicked a object a found it was an apple laying on the ground. She seems curious and picked up the apple which leads her to an old looking granny around 60 or 70 years old.

"Oh!! I'm so sorry.." the granny cried when she saw Naomi holding one of her apples, then Naomi saw the ground was full of apples and oranges around because granny's grocery bag has a hole beneath it.

Naomi's POV

'Have to walk nicely or else I'll say bye to my breakfast!' I thought in my mind while staring at the ground and walks, then there's an apple rolls in front of my feet "Huh?!" I was shocked and picked apple up and walk forward.

"Oh!! I'm so sorry.." a granny shows up in front of me and I saw lots of apples and oranges all around the ground and noticed that the granny's grocery bag has a hole beneath it.

"Here you go.." I passed the apple back to her and stood down helping her to collect those apples and oranges that are rolling away from us.

At this very moment, there's a guy in a distance wearing a dark coloured blue coat and a black mask covering half of his face approach to us and stood down then he give me a recycle bag.

"Miss.. here.." the man doesn't seem harmful but I tried to refuse his offer "I..I got a bag.. with me..use it.." the man continues but it looks like he has trouble speaking English but I can understand that he tried his best.

"Thank you.." I thanked the him and made a few eye contact with him accidentally then we quickly pick up the other apples and oranges.

In a nick of time, we collected every apples and oranges on the ground then the granny thanked us for our kindness and rewarded us each an apple.

I thanked the granny and place the apple with my food inside the paper bag, the man tried to thanked the granny but the granny couldn't heard him behind his mask he pulled his mask down and thanked her.

I took a quick glance at the man but it seem that the man looks familiar but I left alone and quickly rushing towards the radio station then I wanted to double check the time and decided to pull out my phone but when I put my hand inside the pocket behind of my jeans, my phone was not on me!

I began to panic and start looking around for my phone then I turned back and ran back to the place where granny were.

Then, I saw granny holding on a phone and walking towards the guy earlier, after a closer look the phone seem similar to mine, I quickly runs towards the granny after she pulled the man's sleeves from behind.

"Wasn't this your cell phone young man?" I heard the granny began to ask the man.

"Err.. phone is here..see?" the man replied and showed his phone in his hand.

"But.. your face is on the phone.." the granny asked and looked on the lock screen.

"It's mine, granny!!" I shouted after giving the granny a pat from behind then I looked into the man's face.


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