1. The Art of War

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I loved life with my mom. I loved how artistic she was and she constantly stunned me with how spontaneous she was. We were currently throwing paint bombs at each other and screaming at the top of our lungs. I threw a blue paint bomb directly into my mom's frizzy blonde hair. That was the only thing we had in common, our blonde hair, but mine was a different shade. Her eyes were brown and quite small while mine were a pool of blue, green and grey and were a lot rounder. I came out of my daze when I felt a large hit on my stomach, looking down to see a green mess on my old Hollister shirt that I kept for these kinds of nights. 

"I've been shot!" I screamed dramatically as I fell to the ground, my arms hugging my stomach. "Goodbye, cruel world! Killed by my own flesh and blood!" My mom laughed, running to my side and falling to her knees, attempting to keep a straight face at my fake death. "No, Lucy, no!" She shouted. "Nothing's worth living for anymore!" She exclaimed before bringing a finger to her head and pulling the pretend trigger, collapsing down beside me. We both erupted into a fit of laughter on the ground, my nose crinkling up like it always did when I laughed. My mom was my bestest friend, I don't know what I'd do without her. "Happy birthday, Lu," she said with a smile as she pressed a kiss to my temple. 

Katy's POV

Tamra's words were going in one ear and out the other. I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying. I didn't even notice that she had stopped talking, I was still playing with the necklace around my neck. "Katy..." She sighed, moving closer to me. I looked over at her and faked a small smile to at least pretend that I had been listening. "I know it's a hard day for you..." She said cautiously, making sure that I was okay with where the conversation was going. "But we really need to get through this schedule, okay?" She said before rubbing my arm comfortingly. I sighed and nodded, sitting up so I could give my assistant my undivided attention. 

Lucy's POV

"Really, mom, you don't need to blindfold me," I whined as my mom directed me towards...God knows where. She had already given me new shoes, makeup and clothes which definitely would have used most of her paycheck. We weren't a rich family at all. My dad passed away when I was only nine and my mom tried her best to support me; she didn't even get the chance to grieve. I felt my mom stop walking and I could hear the excitement in her voice as she told me to take off the blindfold. I gasped as soon as the light met my eyes and I saw a blue classic Ford car in front of me. This was definitely above my mom's salary. I screamed and turned to her, wrapping my arms tightly around her and shouting 'thank you' probably a thousand times. "How could you afford this?!" I asked her, my eyes wide with excitement. She just grinned and shrugged, "next year you'll be driving! I wanted to give you a head start!" It was official. I had the best mom ever. 

Katy's POV

14th May. How could someone hate and love this date so much at the same time? After explaining for the hundredth time to Tamra that I was fine on my own, I was finally left at peace. I think the hardest part was that I never got to meet her. I don't care what my parents say, no God would ever take a child's life before it had even began. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I then proceeded to do what I did every year; go into the attic where I kept all the outfits she never got to wear and the toys she never got to grow up loving. I was crying harder now, it didn't feel like fifteen years ago. I looked at another box marked katy that caught my eye, I must have accidentally taken it when I moved from Santa Barbara to LA. It was easy enough to open the box and I smiled through  my tears at all the pictures of me from child birth to my late teens. My smile dropped when I saw a large envelope at the bottom of the box with the letters L.H. on it. Out of curiosity for what it was doing in my box, I opened the envelope and lifted out the papers that were inside. My heart dropped as soon as I read the name 'Lucy Jennifer Hudson'. I looked through the documents, my eyes blurring as tears forced their way out of my eyes. I was confused. Who was this? I read the word adoption and my eyes jumped to the bottom of the page where I saw a signature confirming the adoption. It was my name. I dropped the papers as if they were on fire, a shaky hand covering my mouth as I realized. My baby was alive. 

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