chapter 14

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Hey guys! here's another chapter for you!😊😊

Layla woke up to the sound of alarm on her phone which is reminding her that she has school. urghh!

She hates school. She quickly stood up and went to the bathroom to have her bath and brush her teeth. She took her shower with a victoria secret passion fruit shower gel. She came out and went to her closset to pick an outfit. Luckily, todays weather is chilly. She picked a black mom jeans(she's a sucker for mom jeans) and a maroon long sleeve top with ruffles on it and a matching turban with a black sketchers.

She went to the kitchen to find something to eat. She opened the fridge and saw the lasagna She made on Yesterday and cut some. She warmed it and took it with a raspberry juice.

After eating, She picked her phone and her black Micheal Kors backpack. She checked the time on the wall clock to make sure she is not late, the time was 8:49am and her classes starts at 9:30. She reached for her keys and left. She walked to the bus stop next to her apartment and waited for her bus. Three minutes later the bus arrived and She took off.

She arrived school in 10 minutes time and went straight to her lecture hall. She saw Jackson and Malia sitting in a corner, She went to join them.


"You can all go now." The lecturer said after 3 hours of boring class Mr Saltzman, he teaches stats. "Don't forget to do the assignment."'

Malia, Jackson and Layla packed their books and bags and went to Mcdonalds to eat lunch. They all ordered and started to munch in their burger. All three of three of them are through with the day, they had only one class.

"Hey guys lets go watch a movie." Amelia said looking bored.

Alex and Meredith joined them at McDonald's few minutes ago.

"Yeah, its a good idea and besides its wednesday and we all have nothing to do." Jackson chirped in.

Layla looked at Meredith then to Malia before saying.

"Okay then, but which movie?" Layla asked.

"Uhmmm, baywatch?" Alex asked.

"Sure." Malia and Layla chorused.

After they  finished eating, they left for 'odeon cinema'  which is in leichester square which is like a 10 minutes walk from their campus.

They arrived at the cinema, they were many people there. They bought the tickets and went to get the popcorn and drinks.

"Can I have 3 salted and 2 caramel popcorn , with two cokes, one daiquiri and 2 smoothies please?" Layla said to the lady at the counter.

She smiled and said. "Right away."

Layla smiled at her too and waited to collect the things. She brought out her iphone and logged into her snapchat, She had so many messages so She decided to reply some of them. She clicked on their group which includes Ni'imah and Ibty.

Layloo - Hey girlsss

Ibtybooty - Hey there Amaryar next year

Niinii- Hey inlaw

Layloo - Please you guys should come over for weekend.

Niinii- Yes fah, lets have some funnnn

Ibtybooty- Ok then.

Layloo - Wait seriously? I thought you guys will complain fah.

Niinii- I am bored too, today's classes were freaking boring.

Ibtybooty- Didn't go to school today, lucky me😜

Layloo- Anyways, see you guys tomorrow. Btw at the cinema with lydia and malia.

She snapped a picture of herself and sent to them. She entered my messages and saw one from muhammad.

Mr Moh- Hey beautiful

Layla- Hey, how are you?

Mr Moh- I am fine, you?

Layla- Fine too, alhamdulillah

Mr Moh- What are you doing?

Layla- Out with friends

Mr Moh - Really? To where?

Layla- cinema

Mr Moh- Cool! What movie are you going to watch?

Layla- Baywatch

"Excuse me miss, here's your order"

She smiled, collected and said. "Thank you"

She collected and went to where her friends are sitting. She gave them all their orders and went to the theatre, She sat in the middle of Jackson and Meredith. She picked her phone and saw his reply

Mr Moh- Oh thats nice

Layla- Yep! Bye

They watched their movie in peace munching on their popcorn and sipping their drinks.

The movie finished at one hour forty minutes. Lydia and malia took a cab since they are going to the same place, Mer, Alex and Jackson all went home and Layla took a cab to her place also.

She lazily unlocked the door and went straight to into her bedroom and stripped out of the clothes she's wearing. She entered the bathroom and took her bath then performed wudhu and came out. She wore her white shorts and tee with silvers stars on it then wore a long hijab and prayed.

She picked up her phone and called daddy, after few rings he picked.

"Hello daddy na!!!"

"Hafsatu, ya makaranta?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Fine alhamdulllah, how is Nigeria and everyone?"

"They're all fine Alhamdulillah." He replied.

They talked for a while before he gave mammy the phone.

"Mammy!" She half yelled.

"Layla, benim güzel kızım (my beautiful daughter), nasılsın meleğim (how are you, my angel)? She asked.

"İyiyim anneciğim, seni ve yemeklerini özledim (I am fine dear mammy, I am missing you and your cooking)." Layla replied in Turkish.

"Ben de seni özledim bebeğim, okul nasıl? (I miss you too my baby, how is school?)." She asked.

She finished talking with her parents and brought out her laptop to watch Game of thrones season 7.

She watched 2 episodes before her eyes started to close. She closed the laptop and switched off the light then recite her dua and then to her deep slumber.

Hey guys! How was this chappie? Long enough aye? Well I hope youve enjoyed🥰 thanks for reading💕

The usuals





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