TEN. phone call

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"Jesus Liam, I thought you'd never pick up!"

"Yeah... sorry about that."

"We need to tal—"

"I kissed Brett."

"You kissed Brett?? As in Brett Talbot Brett?"

"Who else would I be referring to?"

"But I thought you had a crush on Theo?"

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Your Instagram, twitter, all the questions you ask about him, all those doe eyed looks I've seen you make..."

"That's— that's ridiculous I don't like Theo! I just told you I kissed Brett!"

"And you're sure he's not just your rebound? Because Theo has a girlfriend dude... he might not even like guys."

"You're being ridiculous. I don't like Theo. That's why I kissed Brett."

"I'm just making sure— you're the little brother I've always wanted okay? I just want to make sure you're alright."

"I appreciate that Scott, I do, but don't worry about me. I'm not a baby and I'm capable of making my own decisions."

"I know you are. I trust your judgement. If you need me to bail you out though you know my phone is always on ring for you."

"Thanks Scott."

OH BABY! ( thiam ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now