Chapter Thirteen

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"Well, I'm glad to see they're getting along," Harrison commented. Neil hummed in agreement, leaning against the railing. They watched the two dance for a bit before sharing a look. The magician smirked and held out a hand. "M'lady."

"Don't call me that."

He snickered. "May I have this dance?"

The brunet crossed his arms and glared. Then, in the sweetest voice he could muster, he purred, "I thought you'd never ask."

He let out a sigh of relief as Neil took his hand. Harrison pulled his crush closer, snaking and arm around his waist. The scientist's face flushed red. "There's just one problem...'

"And that is?"

"... I can't dance."

The strawberry blond laughed softly. "Just follow my lead..." He held the other close and started to move. "One two, three four, five six, seven eight..."

Neil spoke with him, counting their steps. Soon enough, they didn't need to count anymore. The steps became more complex as the music sped up. After a few minutes of dancing, Harrison dipped him and they locked eyes. They stayed quiet, just enjoying each other's company, until...

"This is really gay."

"God dammit, Nikki," the illusionist sighed, pulling his partner back onto his feet. The fairy smirked and returned to normal size. "It's Tink. Also, story one is done. We can move onto the second one now, or in the morning."

They exchanged a glance, having the same thought. They turned back yo her and answered in sync, "The morning."

She nodded. "Fair enough. And I think you have the same idea fever again."

"We do?" they said together. "Yeah, we do." Neil looked down at the crowd of people. "Hey, where'd they go?"

"Somewhere," Tink replied lazily. Hopefully they're not fucking."

The boys both snickered. "Let's hope not..."

Soon after they said that, the boys came back into view. They were walking up the staircase, giving each other lovestruck looks. Tink decided to meet them halfway leaving them alone again.

"Well, tonight's been lovely," they spoke in unison. They shared an awkward, watching the lovebirds and fairy approach them.

"Neil, Harrison," the prince started. Max decided to finish it. "We'd like to thank you for getting us together."

"Wait, you're dating now?" Neil asked, breaking the spell. The two males blushed and nodded.

"But... Shouldn't it take more time?" Harrison questioned. They heard Tink's bell-like laughter. "Harrison, this is a fairytale book. It follows fairytale logic. Things are rushed and don't make sense here."

The physicist sighed loudly. "Everything lacks logic here, doesn't it?"

"Yep!" she chirped. "For the most part, anyway."

Preston was about to say something when the clock chimed. Everyone froze, listening to them.




"Wait, it's three a.m!" Neil shouted in realization. Max gave him a confused look. Rolling his eyes, he cried out, "The spells are about to wear off!"

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