Chapter Five: Uh-Oh

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Rosie gets down from the end of the boat and runs off, and before Brody knew she was out of sight.

Rosie POV/

I can't believe Brody he thinks i have to tell him EVERYTHING! Who does he think he is? He's not I didn't tell him this but in Cuba my mom and dad both died in a car one knows but me... He is so selfish...Wait no...I'm the selfish one, I'm the one who deserves to die. Not him...

Brody POV/

What does Rosie mean by "this is whats best?" She makes no since...AT ALL! Wait! There's something wrong with her! Why didn't I ask her...every time she brings up the trust conversation...she's upset. I need to go talk to her.

Brody goes off to find his lady friend,  Rosie,  thinking to himself..."what have i done!" shit i have messed up this time!

They finally reunite and find eachother they both a want to say they are sorry but the hug is what said it all... 

Rosie: I need to tell you something...

Brody: So do I...

( At the same time they say)

Rosie: I'm sorry

Brody: I love yo.u....

Rosie looks at brody, full of confusion, thinking that they are way to good of friends...

Rosie: *pulls hair back* I didn't think you thought of me like that...

Brody: I do Rose, I really do!

Rosie: but, i thoug...

As Rosie tried to finish her sentence Brody pulls her in before she could finish and kissed her on her soft lushus lips, without knowing Brody made a big mistake after the kiss...

Brody: I have a suprise for you!

Rosie: I have already recieved it... *blushes*

Brody: I'm taking you to Cuba to see your parents after the trip!

Rosie: *sounds happy in a secret whimper on the erge to cry* you shouldn't have

Brody: Well, i did!

Rosie: No, really you SHOULDN'T take me at all!

Brody: Rosie? Whats going on?

Rosie: I can't tell you

Brody: You can tell me anything rose!

Rosie runs off crying to her room...

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