Chapter Two: Alone for the Summer

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*alarm clock*

Brody POV/

I'm really excited to give Rosie her birthday gift! To be honest I kind of feel bad for Rosie because her parents are at Cuba while she is alone at her house for a whole year alone...BUT not anymore. I am going to spend this year with her! From this summer to next summer we will be together! Is it just me or is it bad that I have liked her since the 5th grade?

Rosie POV/

What does Brody mean by gift? I don't deserve a gift?! What have I done for him? Why would care? Why did he kiss me goodnight? I guess I will just ask him when I get to the library!

As Rosie heads to the library. Brody is waiting anxiously for Rose. 2 minutes later. "Heey!" Rosie says in a happy voice. "hi..." Brody responds. Rose thinks to herself, 'what has he done this time?' " You don't have to get me anything. it's not like I deserve it.". Brody disagrees, " But, you do?!". Rose stands confused, " I do?", Brody shouts, " OFC!... Now close your eyes and put out your hands" brody demands. "no peeking!" he tells her. They both stand in silence, he slips the gift in her hands. "Now open!" he says anxiously. " do you like them?". "Eeeeek, idk wat to say except... I love you!"

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