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Warning:Contain's self harm towards the end.If you don't like anything to do self harm,I'll put a warning so you'll now when to skip to the next chapter!

For the next couple hour's Marionette ranted on about everything she never told Alya, or anyone for that matter. For some reason she felt she could tell Chat almost everything and she did. They sat there for a while, Chat never speaking only having comforting nods here and there sp Marinette knew to continue.

"So today, for the first time in age's, I finally woke up early and I thought the day would be good but then I walk into class to see that my best friend hates me and is becoming close with Chloe. I get called a bitch and get embarrassed in front of the whole class because Alya over exaggerated shit and now Adrien will think I'm a creep and wouldnt want to stay friends with me. I bet by tomorrow everything I told Alya, everything I trusted with her, will be spread around the school and I will become a target for bullying but everyone and not just Chloe" Marionette said, nearly coing to tears. At this point, Chat saw she was getting upset and annoyed and pulled her into a hug, knowing how much she needed a friend in this moment. As soon as Chats arms are fully around Marionette, she lets out a silent sob, wondering what she did for Alya to do this to her.

"Listen to me Mari, I'm sure Adrien does not think of you like that, he would know by now that anything this Chloe says is complete bull. Alya was never a true friend if she did this and you did nothing wrong. All you was to Alya was a good friend and she threw that back at you. I would just ignore them purriness and find other friends who wont treat you like that" Chat whispered lightly into her ear. She smiled slightly at the nickname.

"I just realised something. You have that nickname for me. You always call it me. I thought only Ladybug got the nicknames" Marionette wiped a few tears away, looking up at the young man,

"Obviously Ladybug will always have nicknames as she is the women of my dreams, but you Marienette are something different so you deserve a nickname" With this Mari looked away, a little embarrassed.

"Thank you for being here for my Kitty" Marionette whispered. Chat Noir looked at Marienette closely.

"Kitty?" He asks, a smile drawn on his face. Marionette nod's.

"Its not far you have a nickname for me but I dont have one for you so I thought of one. Kitty is your new nickname" She smiled at Chat noir. They was both still in the hug, neither one of them really caring.

"Okay, but why did you thank me, I dont remember doing anything for me" He asked confused. Mari smiled softly, finding him being confused adorable. She pulled out of his arms to look at him, instantly feeling sad that his arms were gone and wanting them to come back around her. Shaking of the strange feeling she looked back at the cat.

"I mean you listened to me talk about the most petty of things and did not even mind me crying on you, good you wear latex and it does get wet" She laughed softly.

"Princess dont say thank you, I'm your friend and I'm always going to be here if you need me and I will always listen to your problems" Mari nodded and looked at the window before looking back to Chat.

"It's your time to ran-"Marionette was cut of by a beeping noise coming from her alarm clock telling her it was time for her to sleep so she wont be late. Chat looked at her sadly with a small smile.

"Sorry princess but sadly I must cut our meeting short" He stood up and Mari nodded slowly. She could feel the sleep coming on to her.

"If you dont mind Chat, could you come visit me tomorrow the same time? It felt nice to have someone with me and talk with me about my problem" She asked, embarrassed.

"If that's why my princess wants then that's what she shall receive. I will see you tomorrow, good night Mari" He kissed her on the forehead and stopped for a second before leaving quickly. Mari sat there shocked. She thought to herself I thought he liked Ladybug, why is doing this to a weird stalker. Thats when she was remind of the past events today, and what was said. She started to cry, no longer having Chat Noirs comforting arms to help her calm down. After a while a thought was formed in her mind, a thing a past class mate of her did.

Self Harm.

The Next Day,At School

As Mari walked silently into school, everyone could see she changed. She didnt get a wink of sleep and you could see it drawn into her face. Even Alya noticed the changed but its not like she cared. She was the reason this was happening. Every time she looked at her classmates around her, horrible thoughts grew into her mind, about what they could be thinking or what she had done. The most noticeable change was her outfit. Instead of her normal everyday clothes, she wore black jeans and a baggy jumper that reached to her fingers. She also swapped her little bag for a normal gray one.

After getting halfway into the school, Chloe finally realised Mari had arrived. She looked Mari up and down and sneered.

"Look at what the dogs just dragged in. Maritrash has really become worse at fashion, losing everything in one day is really something to laugh at" Chloe said loudly so everyone could hear. Mari kept quiet, trying to ignore Chloes taunts.

"Dont ignore me you little tramp. Do you not have any respect for people who are more better then you. I'm honestly shocked your parents haven't tried to get rid of you yet" Chloe walked up to Mari and grabbed her by her hair and made her face Chloe. She spat in Marionette's face and pushed her to the floor. Everyone around them was to afraid of Chloe to help.

"Chloe stop, you shouldn't be wasting your time on a thing like this. You could get into trouble and this little pathetic bitch aint worth your time" Alya said, trying to get between the two girls. Chloe stepped away from Mari and looked at Alya.

"For fuck sake, your right. I dont think daddy could get me out of this one. Anyway, I now need to wash my hands, make sure I get all of her germs of me. I could have no idea what stds she has honestly" Alya and Chloe walked away, leaving Mari on the floor, tears threatening to leave her eyes. Everybody else walked past her, class now starting. Marionette stood up and ran to the bathroom, not looking if she bumped into anyone or not.


She finally reached the bathroom and saw no one else was there. She slid to the floor and closed her eyes, trying to make her tears go away. All she could feel was betrayal and hatred. Betrayal from Alya and hate for herself, for not being able to stick up for herself. She sighed and a thought popped into her head. She pulled out a razor from her bag and watched it glint in the sunlight, She stared at it for a couple minutes, wondering if she should go through with it. After a moment, she pulled up her sleeves and drew right into her skin with the razor. She did it a couple times before stopping and washing up after herself, feeling horrible for what she has just did. She cleaned her face and headed to class, making sure her sleeve was covering her arm.

BRUH my rewrites are horrible so heres a better chapter bye

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