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Once Marionette returned home,she sat on her bed and started to think.Would everyone be better if I was dead?Am I just a mistake waiting to be erased?Marionette sighed,she just wanted Alya to be her best friend again and everything to go back to normal.After a couple hour's,Marionette heard that same tap on her trap door.She giggled and ran to open the trap door,and like always,Chat was on the other side.

"Hi Kitty!"Marionette greeted.Chat entered and smiled.

"Hi Purincess"Chat greeted back.Chat sat next to Marionette on her bed and looked at her.

"Purincess,after last night,what are we?"He asked.Marionette blushed,which also make Chat blush.

"What do you want us to be?"She whispered.Chat put his hand under her chin and made her look at him.

"I want you to be my girlfriend"He told her,blushing a very bright pink.*When I wrote this I started to blush myself,I don't know why though xD)Marionette blushed pink as well and smiled.

"I can do that"She replied.Chat smirked at her and got an idea.Without warning,hen started to tickle the blue haired girl which made her burst into giggle's.

"Chat!Stop!Please!"Marionette said in between giggle's.Chat thought about it for a second then stopped.

"Fine,but only because you were nice about it"He laughed.While Chat started to stand up,Marionette started to tickle him.

"This is what you get for nearly killing me!"Marionette exclaimed.Chat tried to stop her but failed.

"I will stop you my self then"Chat declared.Without warning,Chat kissed Marionette,which she didn't mind.She stopped tickling Chat and he pulled away,but his face still a couple inch's from Marionette's.

"I win"He whispered.Marionette rolled her eye's and kissed Chat again.During the kiss,Chat's ring started to beep which made them both very annoyed.

"That's my ticket to leave,sorry purincess"Chat said.He stood up,gave Marionette one more kiss,and left.Marionette stood up from her seat when she heard her phone go of,meaning she has gotten a message.She walked over to her desk and picked her phone up

(Alya:A Marionette:M)

A:Hey Mari!


A:Want to hang out tomorrow?

M:What do you mean hang out tomorrow?

A:Exactly what I just said,do you want to hang out tomorrow?

M:Why though?You hate me,both you and Chloe!For all I know this could be a trap!

A:It's not I promise,Chloe made me do all this to you,please believe me!

M:Fine I'll do it.

A:Yay!We can go shopping tomorrow I'll message you tomorrow bye!


Marionette threw her phone back onto the desk and sighed.She didn't know why she agreed to this.There was a huge chance that Alya was lying and this was a trap so she could beat her up with Chloe.But there was a part of Marionette that hoped Alya was telling the truth and Chloe was forcing her to do this.Marionette got changed into her Pajama's and looked at her arm's.Her cut's where still there,red,but slowly healing.Tomorrow she was hanging out with one of the girl's that made her do this to her self.Marionette knew that she was going to regret this in the morning but she really hoped Alya was telling the truth.

"Are you sure your going to be okay going there tomorrow Marionette?"Tikki asked as she came out of her hiding spot.Marionette looked at her and nodded.

"The best I can do is hope that she is telling the truth.I can't just forget about her Tikki,what if she is telling the truth and I just throw her of for some stupid reason?"Marionette ask's.Tikki sigh's.The bad thing about Marionette is that she alway's see's the good in people,even if there is no good left in them anymore.

"If that's what you want to do,I can't stop you.I'll be with you though,so I you have to,transform into ladybug"Tikki said.Marionette nodded.She went up to her bed and lied down,making her self comfortable under neath the cover's.Soon after she feel asleep,hoping tomorrow will turn out like she hope's.

Chapter 4 remake is done!When rewriting these,I realized how much I left Tikki out so I'm adding Tikki more now cause I love Tikki so much!

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