late nights

637 9 1

summary: finn and jack have a sleepover and its super cute and filled with kisses and cuddles.
word count: 436

finns p.o.v.
its the middle of summer so that means no school. hell yeah. except so far it hasn't been that exciting.
its about 8:30 at night when i finally decided i needed to text jack.

from: frog face🐸
hey you free tonight?
from: jack💞
yeah whats up?
from: frog face🐸
come over. bored and in desperate need of cuddles and popcorn.
from: jack💞
be there in 5 xx

i quickly put my phone to charge and set up a movie on my tv. i have the breakfast club ready to go and a bunch of blankets and pillows set up.

*tiny time skip*
i hear a knock on the door and run to it quickly and open it. im engulfed in a warm hug from jack and wrap my arms around him as well. he gives me a quick peck on the cheek. "hey finnie." he says softly. "sup jackie." he rolls his eyes at the nickname and i grab his hand and we run upstairs.
when we get there we both immediately fall on the mountain of blankets and pillows giggling at the other.
"movies ready. did you bring popcorn?" i ask excitedly. "well duh." he pulls a bag out from his backpack and we cuddle and watch the movie while snacking on the popcorn and making small conversations in between.
"hey jack," i whisper. "whats up, bub." he whispers back looking at me. "i love you."
"i love you too." we both lean in and our lips connect for a second and before we know it the movie is over.
"what next?" i ask. "lets just cuddle and talk and then try to sleep because im pretty tired." i nod and turn the tv off. i grab my speaker and phone and play some music softly in the background.
for the rest of the night jack and i just cuddle and talk about everything from school to friends to what we are gonna have for breakfast tomorrow.
after a while i begin to get sleepy and let my eye lids win as they slowly fall shut. i feel a light kiss on my forehead and hear jack whispering something along the lines of "i love you so much. good night bub." and we both fall into a peaceful sleep.

a/n ahhhhh first one shot yall. i hope you're excited for this to start bc i cant wait whoop! i hope you liked this sorry it was super short yikes! more coming soon!

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