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this one is reddie oops.
summary: eddie? having a crush? on richie?! thats funny. but also happens to be extremely true. and the rest of the losers wont let him go until he admits it.
word count: 583

eddies p.o.v.
"oh my god! how many times do i have to tell you i dont like anyone!" i said annoyed. currently bill, stan, and bev were all questioning me in bills room about  my current crush on richie. although i would never admit it.
i mean, how could anyone not think richie was attractive. he had big glasses that made his beautiful eyes look bigger than they were, he had adorable freckles and he was overall funny and cute and damnit i was crushing hard.
"come on eddie! we know you have a thing for tozier just admit it!" stan kept prying. "its pretty obvious." beverly says and everyone nods. "and i-if you do t-thats g-g-great. you do-dont need to b-be s-scared." bill says a little nicer than the others. "okay! okay! fine! i like richie. i like trashmouth tozier. but who cares, he straighter than every straight person combined." they all look at each other and laugh. "think again, eds." they all hear from the door of bills room. "oh god." i whisper to myself. "so, eddie spaghetti, you and me, the diner down the road. you in." he smiles that award winning smile. "yeah i guess so," i say, and he jumps up and smiles. "under one condition!" i say quickly. "y-yeah." richie says back nervously. "never, ever, call me 'eddie spaghetti' again. got it trashmouth." he smiles. "sure thing eds." we both smile and the other loser are looking at us with complete happiness and love in their eyes and they run towards us for a group hug. "im so happy for you guys yay!" bev says. "hey! i never said we were dating or anything. i just agreed to lunch with richie." richies smile fades a bit. "well then eddie, would you like to make that lunch a date?" he smiles hopefully. "i mean yeah i guess sure whatever." they pull us all back into a group hug again and then rush me and richie off to lunch.
on the way out the door he holds my hand and his personality changes completely. trashmouth is gone and a new, nicer, kinder richie is with me. one who holds the door open and asks how your day went. it was nice. we ate lunch and went to the quarry. we both removed our clothes and stood on the edge in our underwear. he held my hand and we both jumped in. we played and splashed and hung out until it started getting dark and we had to get home. we walked out and back up to our bikes.
"i had fun eds." i smile. "me too rich." he gives me a quick hug. "well ill see ya tomorrow at bills." i smile. "see ya later loser." we both turn to our bikes and go our separate ways. as im about to get on my bike i hear richie running up to me. he turns me around and crashes his lips onto mine. "see you tomorrow eddie spaghetti." i stand there shocked as he walks away. "see you tomorrow rich." i say even though he can't hear me. i get on my bike and ride home with a smile on my face.

a/n yikes. lmk if you want more reddie stories :)

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