Chapter 17.

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( Rebecca )

It looks like things are falling into place. I stopped using twitter because of the hate that was coming through my feed. But im dating Jack Gilinsky, whats even better is that hes not famous to me anymore. hes just Jack. And i love that.
I lost my bestfriend about a month ago now, her funeral was hard for me to be at but i know shed want me to be happy. I miss her alot.

I heard a knock at the door and when i opened it, my mom was standing there.
Jack was over and sitting on my desk.
"Hey mom, whats up" i smiled
"hey mrs.malone " jack waved
"Hey guys" she replied. " Jack can i have moment with Rebecca? "
"Of course, ill be downstairs." He hopped off the desk and walked out. My mom had shut the door and sat me down on my bed. I knew something was wrong. Just when i thought things were good.
"Mom whats wrong..?" I asked
She took hold of my hand "sweetheart, its your dad"
My heart sunk istantly. My dads in the army, i havent seen him in about a year, and i miss him alot, i dont talk to him much, but i love him so much. We used to do everything together when i was younger, hes the best dad in the world.
"What happened mom? Is everything okay? Is he alright? " i was scared, impatient, worried.
" hes in the hospital honey, their vehicle was hit, and hes in a severe condition..the doctors dont think... Dont think hes going to make it through this week"
I stood up and started crying. I ran my hands through my hair. I picked up everything on my desk and threw it down, lamps, books, cds, everything. I started screaming
"WHY MOM?" I yelled. "Why do bad things always happen to me? Ive done nothing, i just want some constants in my life! Im trying to be happy" i picked up my jewlery box and threw it down and the picture of me and my dad fell out.
The door flung open and Jack ran in
"rebecca!? Are you okay?!" He looked around the room then at my mom
"Jack, ill have her call you later okay? " my mom gave him a hug.
" NO!!!" I yelled again. Im tired of controlling my anger, i just dont see why i deserve this.
Jack walked over and pulled me into a hug, he ran his fingers through my hair and i just cried on his shoulder.
"I love You Rebecca, i promise ill call you as soon as i get home okay? Its gonna be okay. You can tell me what happened later"
I looked up at him and just nodded, he wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek and walked out of my room.

"Mom just leave okay?" She looked confused and put her head down and walked out. I shut and locked my door and ran into my closet throwing all my clothes on the bed, then shoes, then i ran into my bathroom and got everything i use on a daily basis, then my phone, and the charger and last... I went to my nightstand, and took out all my savings from my piggy bank. I wrote a few letters and left them in a pile on my bed.

I looked over the stairs and saw my mom sitting at the table crying. I mouthed "i love you" ran into my room, shut and locked the door once again, and climbed out of the window. I glanced back once more.. I guess im not as strong as i thought.


( Jack )

This is probably the millionth time ive tried to reach Rebecca, im worried sick and i cant get a hold of her. If she doesnt answer this time, im going over there.
I got her voicemail.

"hey babe, uhm, im worried about you. Im gonna come over and make sure everything okay. Ill see you in a few. Love you." I hung up the phone, grabbed my keys and left to her house.

As soon as i pulled up into her driveway i ran up to the door and knocked and her mom answered. "Mrs.Malone, im sorry if this is a bad time, but i cant reach Rebecca, shes not answering my calls, i know this sounds crazy but this never happens, can i please see her? " i pleaded. "If anyones going to get through to her, its you, go upstairs, please just comfort her Jack.." She looked so sad and upset. I ran upstairs and knocked on her door. No reply and her door was locked. Her mom gave me permission to open it with a key, i walked in and saw everything as it was, except she wasnt in there, and the window was open. I checked the bathroom, and nothing.

"crap" i ran my fingers through my hair and down my face and then saw a few papers on her bed.

I walked over and saw one that said "To Jack " i opened it up and started to read

"Jack, i know youre probably wondering whats going on right now, my dads in the hospital and isnt going to make it... Im tired of such negative things. I dont want you to ruin your life waiting around for me... Im not coming home, im so sorry to do this too you, but i cant take this anymore. I dont know where im going and i dont want you to come looking for me.. Youve been such an amazing friend, and boyfriend and i would be nothing without you. I love you so much. Dont forget that, maybe one day we'll see eachother again. But for now... This is it. Please give the other note to my mom, if she didnt already read it, once again i love you.
-Rebecca "

I folded the note and put it in my pocket, grabbed her moms note and gave it to her, without another word i got back in my car and started to drive, Shes Crazy if she thinks im not going to look for her

Shes Insane.


Omg okay, cliffhanger. AGAIN. THANK YOU FOR SO MANY READS AHHH, THIS IS CRAZY. INSANE ( see what i did there!)

Comment what you guys think is gonna happen!

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Insane  ( Jack Gilinsky )Where stories live. Discover now