Oooh boy im ending this book with a queer bang

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No not sexual. IN this Daniel and David have never met ha ha ha. So like, gay?

     David sat in the counselors Cabin. He was quiet, he was thinking about what had gone down the past month, he had went to work at muffin tops. But instead of having a normal night, he had met a man taller than he.The man, a tall and skinny blonde with blue eyes, have been so kind to him. When they met again David and realized that the man had known he was a demon, only to reveal he was one too. Daniel, the man's name was Daniel, David  liked that names, soon they have been meeting up every night. They had bonded over there love the forest, Daniel and him shared a love of rock, and soon even found himself falling for the man. 
      They would playfully  flirt with each other, and neither knew that the other wasn't really joking. Soon David had told him about adopting a small black haired hellion menace. He loved the little menace for some odd reason. Daniel had once asked if he could meet the little kid. David had said one day during a Saturday.

        Today was that Saturday and Daniel was wearing a white hoodie, and light blue jeans. His hair was tamed as he walked to the beautiful little house David had. He smiled, and saw that the man had dogs. Two big retrievers, one black the other blonde. His smiled grew, when he knew he was going to met the little kid David told him so much about. He thought the boy would be around six, because David told him the boy was only around three foot. Whistling he knocked on the door and a few seconds later, after mass barking ensued from the puppers in the fenced back, David had opened the door, wearing a to big tee and some sweatpants. He rubbed his neck in embarrassment, he was underdressed.

       As Daniel was led through the small cozy little home, he spotted the boy, but he was definitely not five, he was like ten and cursed like a sailor. Daniel would have said language if he wasn't dying of laughter. David lucked the small boy up and carried him to his guest.
        "Max this is Daniel." Max looked up at the man.
        "Sup." Daniel chuckled at the noncommittal response.
         "Well I've heard about you from David. Nice to meet you." He said, with his hands in his hoodie pocket.
         "Oh dear I have to get something for y'all to drink I'll be right back." David said leaving max and Daniel tot hire devices.
         "Your a demon like my dad huh?" Daniel just nodded, "well my dad really likes you so break his heart I'll break every one of your two hundred and six bones. Other than that we can be friends." He said in his evil little kid voice.
       "Then I do need to ask your blessing to date your father?" Max nodded.
       Daniel kneeled down to Max's height, "Max, I like your dad quite a lot, and I was hoping to be able to date him, and since you seem to be the man of the house, I would like to ask your blessing."
     Max snorted, "That was great you have my blessing, just don't be too loud." Daniels cheeks light up like a Christmas tree, he was so red max thought he would explode. He laughed, and David walked in.

     The rest of their nights went smoothly, watching horror movies, which Max and Daniel loved, and David just buried his face into the couch. When he fell asleep, he was laid on Daniel head in the other mans lap, curled into a ball.
    Max took a picture, and the rest of the night went by until both horror lovers fell asleep on the couch. From far away and near you could see that they were meant to be a family.

The End mother fuckers.

Sorry it's short, just I have a new idea for a new book, and I don't want to have multiple. And I ran out of ideas for this one. The other is going to be a Creepypasta camp camp crossover like thing. And there's more danvid and dadvid because that's my whole page. Also what do y'all think about Max/Nikki/Neil, the ship. If you like it I might right it because I don't see much polyamory pride, (sorry under known sexuality author is a needy bitch)

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