On Facebook...

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I go on facebook so that I can get away from all the stress at home. Bad idea...

People on facebook are just ass holes.. like honestly. People go on facebook to get away from all their problems.  But, I guess people dont understand that. But like for real.  People need to stop with the cyber bullying.  It gets annoying. I get bullied on facebook.  That why I make is such a big deal. I've been called a whore.  Many times.

People on facebook act as if what they are saying, don't hurt people.  When in reality, it hurts.  A lot. But ONE ONE seems to understand that. Everyone whats to hurt you.  Call you a whore and other things... BAD things.  Really, bad things.  Words hurt.  Even though people say sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words will never hurt me.  ITS ALL A LIE.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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