Chapter 5: Sentimental Value

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A/N: Since the MTF Raid is now over and they are back on Insurgency Property we are back to Emily's POV ONLY. I will let you guys know if there is a change in the POV. Thank you.

*Emily's POV*

I awaited the arrival of the team outside on the tarmac with Samuel by my side. The wind blowing through my hair and the crisp winter air making my lips chap. "Good job by the way." I heard Samuel say. I glance over to him an eyebrow raised. "Pardon?" I ask, "You may just get a new MTF Captain. Sounds like Riggs has already promoted him, himself." Samuel answered tucking his hands deeper in his trench coat. "Agreed, MTF Chaos 1 is already Shan's right hand, no sense in me not having mine." I could hear helicopters off in the distance. "Sounds like they're almost here." Samuel said, I didn't say anything. "You alright?" He asked. "We lost one may I remind you." I answered. "You lost one, but you could've lost a dozen." He retaliated. I sighed, I took in a huge breath of air. "You're right." 

The helicopters appeared over the mountain ridge and landed on the tarmac a few yards away from us. Snow blew up in my face but at this point I didn't care, my hands were still shoved in my pocket and my hair was a mess already. The doors to the helicopter flew open and Liam jumped out and landed on the ground and did snow angels. "OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOU!" He yelled. He rolled over and kissed the ground, twice. He stood up and breathed in a deep breath of air. "Alright Riggs, you owe me twenty bucks. I did it." He said. I giggled a little, and watched as the rest of them men piled out of the helicopters. I watched as Vex and Smith carried Griff out in a body bag. "Son of a.." I whispered to myself. I turned around to look at Samuel, "Escort Vex and Smith down to the morgue, get his body ready for transport. Me and Riggs will go alert his next of kin." I said, Samuel nodded and went on his way. I motioned Riggs over to me, "Wheels up when?" He asked, "Already promoted him I see?" I asked, "Yeah, but when we leaving to tell Griff's next of kin?" He asked. "3 hours, get the small jet ready according to file I read on his family. We're headed to Corvallis, Oregon."

Hours passed, and I could feel tapping on my shoulder. "Emily, wake up." Riggs said, I awoke from my sleep and drool was all over my shoulder. "Huh?" I asked. "You've been asleep most of the plane ride." He answered. "Oh, sorry." I stretched in my seat and stared out my plane window and looked down at the clouds. Riggs sat down in the seat adjacent from me, with a beer in his hand. "When was the last time you slept?" He asked. I glanced over at him, then back out at the clouds then shrugged. "Wednesday, possibly Tuesday." I answered. Riggs took a swig of his beer then put it down. "Emily it's Sunday..." He said. I smirked a little. "Oh well, I guess."

I got up out of my plane seat and headed towards the back of the plane, "HEY RIGGS!" I yelled. "WHAT'S UP!?" He yelled back, "ARMED OR UNARMED!?" I asked, "SILENTLY ARMED! KEEP IT HIDDEN!" He answered. I took the freshly new Maxim 9 out the gun rack and loaded it, cocked it back and hid it in holster around my leg. I slid my pants legs over it and blew out a breath of air. I headed back towards the front of the plane and sat back down in the seat. "I see Owen and Ashton did a fine job with the last shipment of weapons they acquired." I winked at Riggs. He smirked back at me, "Maxim 9's with the built in silencers, comes in handy for times like this. I don't think we'll need them but ya know, rather be safe then sorry. It's also good for our men on the Task Force's... Speaking of which we need to find men for Liam's task force now." Riggs said, I nodded my head in agreement. 

"Lieutenant General Emily! Captain Riggs! Fasten your seat belts! We're on approach!" I heard the pilot say, Riggs and I fasten our seat belts and watch as the ground slowly approaches closer and closer and I somehow manage to find myself falling asleep, again.

Laughing, screaming, banging, laughing, screaming, banging, LAUGHING, SCREAMING, BANGING, LAUGHING, SCREAMING, BANGING. It wouldn't stop. I shook my head violently but nothing seem to get the sound out of my head. I screamed but no sound came out, I pulled at my hair but I felt no pain. I started coughing and the taste of blood was in my mouth, the white floor beneath me started to stain red. I started violently shaking.

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