Chapter 9 -- Primitive Instincts

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"Too bad, Elizabeth. You're Stuck with me.Not for a few decades, not for centuries. You're tied to me forever. That boy and girl offspring you talked off? They'll come from me—or no one."

― Kresley Cole, Lothaire

"Once I take you, you are mine. My woman. No other man can have you."

― Gena Showalter, Awaken Me Darkly


Chapter 9 — Primitive Instincts

Lillie was not feeling like going to the kitchen to face Sally or the other maids.  All she wanted was someone telling her to stop, to stop the need to do something reckless.

So without having her parent's constant advice on how to avoid men she turned her attention to the only thing that was close. It was the journal with the tragic stories of the many maids who came across the Evil Duke.

It was enough to make her want to get as far away as possible from men. So finally deciding it was best to read the journal she opened a passage from half way and was shocked to read the name of the maid. It read Lillian with a very carefully calculated handwriting.

Lillie couldn't dare read further, it felt so personal. She suddenly had the urge to grab the Duke by the neck and just choke the life out of him. How dare he do this? But he doesn't know her name happen to be Lillian. No matter how much she tried to reason with herself it felt as if he was joking with her. As if he knew and he was playing with her.

She forced herself to concentrate on the handwriting that was getting harder and harder to read as it goes on. It was clear the maid named Lillian was getting frustrated; she was further very calm as she explains the scenery around her.

He promised. It is why you have to get close. You have to see for yourself.  Each maid before me had the notion that she will be the one to change him, to keep him all to her. And I assumed the same, at the back of my head there is a voice that keeps telling me to go through it. To just let him conquer me then trust him to be taken back by me as I was by him.

     Sometimes he tells me to go, to say no when he asks something of me but by then it was too late, he knew I can't do it. He liked the chase better than the actual act of taking control.  If I knew he liked the chase I would have resisted longer. God, look at me I am trying to blame myself for his selfish, cold-hearted act.

   The sad part was that he makes you think that it is your own fault. He doesn't outright tell you that but the way his rejection goes it is the same thing.  His...brutal...way...of


Emily was waiting for the right moment, waiting for the carriage to arrive. She was very much confident that the plan would go as planned. The one matter she has to leave for fate to do was what happens when the Duke sees the witch. She was sure he would not have the will to resist her, not even close.

Emily was not stupid she has seen the way the Duke looked at the new maid. And she has seen the way the maid was looking at him. The maid who she hates with every power she had.

Emily never really had enough attention given to her when she was a child. It was inevitable that fully grown woman she would seek that lost attention. Having to be friends with Elisabeth didn't help the matter, for Emily as a child envied Elisabeth.

Elisabeth was beautiful, a reflection of the duke's image. The only difference was Elisabeth had the feminine touch to her beauty and the duke was the rough edge good looking man. Everyone loved Elisabeth; she was a joy to be around if not a little bit of slow minded, Emily has to admit.

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