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I always walk with my head down.

I look up every now and then, but I have to be careful.

I'm not a normal sixteen year old girl. Well, I guess it depends on what you call normal.

I look normal. I'm tall, have curves in all the places they should be... I have brown hair that stops at my collarbone, with my dark green eyes to go with it.

What makes me different?

Well, if I have... powers.

I suppose you could say. I'm not a superhero, like catwoman or something. In fact, I'm not allowed to use my powers in any which way. My mother says that, Your not dangerous, your powers are. Or can be.

So I never use them anyway.

It took thirteen years till my parents finally told me about this.

This is, I guess you could say, some werid genetic thing. It comes from my mothers side. She told me once that there are other people like us out there, and that we should probably only get close to those people.

I'ts dangerous if we get to close to humans. By 'close' I don't mean physically close, but mentally. If we fall in love with them, we will eventually start hurting them. I don't know how, and my mom won't tell me. All she has told me was: "We can't control it, when we hurt them. This basically means that we don't have control over our own powers at this."

This is what happened with my mom and dad. She didn't even know she was slowly killing him inside, but she never intended to.

Now for the... fun part.

At first, I thought my powers would be facinating, but there not. Don't get me wrong, it's still amazing, but I thought they would be a little more... fun.

Like flying, or having the ability to become invisable. Something along the lines of disney super hero powers...

Yet, all I have is control.

Which I don't want.

I don't need.

I don't crave.

By control, I mean control over the human mind. Actually, any living substance. I can't do crazy things with my powers, that is because I'm not allowed to practice using my powers. But I can do simple things such as making the substance move, or forget what they were thinking, or remeber something they forgot.

The reason I don't make too much eye contact with humans is because I'm afraid...

Afraid of being exposed.

Afraid of messing up.

Afraid of hurting someone.

This all kills me so much. I just wish I was normal.


As I walk to my school, alone, I contiue to stress about all of the exams coming up.

Human or not, I guess you're always going to stress.

I only live a block away, so I arrive in less than 10 minutes usually.

After all of the morning chaos: getting your books for your classes, doing your homework at last minute in homeroom, shoving your breakfast down your throat, I finally am able to just sit do-

"I'm going to fail! I'm going to be held back!" A girl with short curly blonde hair screams.

That's Amy. She always complains about her grades to all the teachers, and demands that she does "corrections", when she gets anywhere from a 85% to a 90%.

Don't even get me started on Jamie and Marcus, who are always making out in the corner.

"Miss Amy, please sit down. I can't help you right now." the teacher says.

Amy rolls he eyes and takes her seat, right next to me.

"Hey Laurel,"

I glance at her for a millionth of a second, and in that time, I give her a tiny smile.

"Your name is Laurel, right?" She asks.

I nod without looking at her. About a second later, the bell rings.

How am I so invisable?

I ask myself that all the time.


I'm heading to first period now. Which by the way, is math.


I sit in my usual spot, the corner. Just as I sit down a brunette girl approches me, with her bag.

Wait, she's not coming to me. She's going to the next to me...

"Hi," She says dryly. You could probably tell from a mile away that she had been crying. Her eyes were as red as ketup, and puffier than a blobfish.

"Hi." I said in a light voice. It was weird, having two people talk to me in one day.

"I hope you don't mind," she says sweetly.

I just keep scribiling on my notebook, desperatly waiting for that bell.

"I mean, me sitting here."

"Yah. Fine." I say quickly.

"I'm Sierra," she smiles a beautiful smile, and suddenly, it was like that red-eyed, worn out, sad girl who was standing infront of me a minute ago, was gone.

"I'm Laurel uhm," I clear my throat.

"Are you new here?" she asks.

"No actually, I've actually been here since-"

"Well, since you two are so talkitive today, we can see how talkitive you ladies are in detention." Mr. Garcia says, then turns around to begen the lesson. Is talkitive even a word? Maybe I don't know or care. What I do care about is for the first time in like a billion years, when I finally decide to talk to someone, I get detention!

"No! I didn't even do anything!" I shout without thinking.

Everybody turns around gasping, like it's some kind of miracle that I talked.

Well, I deserve a detention for that one...

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