Part 7 Timmy and Tootie's new life1

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It's been 3 days since Tommy and Tammy were born and Timmy and Tootie are really tired.

Tootie: I am really tired

Timmy: Me too. Let's get some sleep while we still can

Tootie: Ok

3 AM

Timmy: (Hearing a baby cry) I'll get up, you stay asleep

Tootie: I bet this is Tammy's cry

Timmy fixes the bottle

Timmy: (hearing the baby crying) Daddys coming, hold on

Entering the nursery

Timmy: Hey Tammy, are you trying to wake your brother up

Timmy gives Tammy the bottle and sings her to sleep. Then out of nowhere Tommy cries

Timmy: Tootie, Tommy is crying!!

Tootie: Coming!!

Tootie fixes Tommy a bottle

Tootie: Mommy's coming

Timmy: Mommy's coming Tommy

Tootie: I'm here

Tootie and Timmy both look at their kids

Timmy: You know, Tammy looks like you, I think when she gets older she is going to look just like you

Tootie: Tommy looks just like you

Timmy: I guess he does look like me but he also has your nose

Tootie: Yeah he does have my nose and Tammy has your nose

Timmy: Yeah she does have my nose

The kids are finally back to sleep and Tootie & Timmy go back to bed

The next day!!

Timmy: Good morning honey, I brought you breakfast

Tootie: Thank you Timmy

Timmy: And today all your going to do is rest and I'll take care of the kids

Tootie: That is nice of you to do that honey

Timmy: Don't mention it, now you rest and eat your breakfast

Tootie: Ok

Just then Timmy hears one of the twins crying

Timmy: You stay there and I'll get it

Tootie: Ok

Timmy walks in the nursery, and sees Tommy crying

Timmy: Hey Tommy are you going to be an early bird this morning (Timmy Smiles). Do you want a bottle?

Tommy whines a little bit

Timmy: I am guessing that's a yes, well i'll fix you one

Timmy fixes Tommy a bottle while Tommy is crying very loudly

Timmy: It's ok Tommy your bottle will be ready in 5 seconds

Tootie: is everything ok Timmy?

Timmy: Yes, just fixing Tommy a bottle

Tootie: Where is Tammy?

Timmy: She is still sleeping

Tootie: I am concerned about her, she usually wakes up when Tommy wakes up

Timmy: She is fine. I'll check on her when I give Tommy his bottle

Tootie: Ok

Timmy gives Tommy his bottle and checks on Tammy

Timmy: Hey Tammy, how are you this morning, I see you are finally awake. Let me give Tommy to mommy and I'll come get you

Timmy walks into his room and hands Tootie Tommy and walks into the nursery and gets Tammy

Timmy: Hey Tammy, how are you today? (Timmy smiles)

Tammy whines a little bit

Timmy: Somebody is hungry

Tammy starts crying

Timmy: Daddy will fix you a bottle

Tammy starts crying even louder

Timmy: shh..It will be ready in 30 seconds

Tootie: Are you ok honey?

Timmy: I am fine just fixing Tammy a bottle

Tootie: (talking to Tommy) your poor daddy, I think Tammy is giving him a hard time

Timmy: Honey, Tammy is not taking the bottle

Tootie: Maybe she need to be changed

Timmy takes Tammy to the nursery

Timmy: Yep mommy was right. Tootie!!

Tootie comes in the nursery holding Tommy

Tootie: What?

Timmy: Help, I can't take dirty diapers

Tootie: Hold Tommy, I got this

Timmy: Ok, good

Tootie changes Tammy and heads back to bed, Timmy follows her while holding Tommy and Tammy

Timmy: I'm sorry for making you get up

Tootie: That's ok

Timmy: Love you

Tootie: Hahaha...Love you too

Timmy: Kids, say have a good sleep mommy

Tootie: (with a smile) thank you kids and Timmy

Thank you for reading...More to come this might be the last part of the story..And I might make a sequel but I am not sure but we will see

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