part 8 Timmy & Tootie's new life2

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Hey guys this is my final part of the story..More stories to come hopefully, if my brain can think up ideas for one..I think I might have one in mind but I don't know how to start off with it...any ways ENJOY THE STORY!!!

The twins are now 2 years old and talking, walking, and getting into everything

Tootie: Well Timmy what are we going to do with Tammy and Tommy while we are at work?

Timmy: Change work times I guess

Tootie: I guess we will have to. We don't have a choice

Tammy: Daddy!!

Timmy: What Tammy?

Tammy: Hold me

Timmy picks Tammy up

Timmy: Hey Tootie, why don't you call your boss and tell him that you want your schedule changed to nights instead of days because I can only work during the day

Tootie: I will call him to see if I can

Timmy: Ok

Tommy: Mommy!!

Tootie: What is it Tommy?

Tommy: I am hungry

Tammy: Me too

Timmy: Me too

Tootie: Hahaha, ok you three, how about we go eat out somewhere

Timmy: Sounds good to me

Tootie: Ok

Timmy, Tootie, and the kids are headed to a restaurant called Ivy

Waiter: How many?

Timmy: Four. And do you have any high chairs for my kids?

Waiter: Sure do

The waiter walks the Turner family to a table

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Timmy: Tea please

Tootie: Water please

Waiter: Ok

The waiter brings Tootie and Timmy their drinks

Waiter: Have you guys decided

Tootie: Chicken salad and can you give Tommy and Tammy some chicken nuggets

Waiter: Sure can

Tootie: Thank you

Timmy: I would like some chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and green beans

Waiter: Ok I will have that right out for you

Timmy: Thank you. Oh can you also fill Tommy and Tammy's cups with orange juice

Waiter: Ok

Tootie: Well I called work and the boss said that I can work the night shift

Timmy: that is great

The waiter brings their food

Tootie: Ok kids no throwing your food on the floor or at each other

Tommy & Tammy: Ok mommy

All of a sudden out of nowhere Tammy throws a chicken nugget at Tommy

Timmy: Tammy do not throw that again. Now apologize to your brother

Tammy: Sorry Tommy

Tommy: That's ok sissy

Tootie: Aww how sweet

Timmy: That is sweet

Tommy: Daddy, I'm thirsty

Timmy: Ok, here is your cup and Tammy here is your cup

Tommy: Thank you daddy

Tammy: Thank you daddy

Timmy: You are welcome

Tootie: I am done

Timmy: Me too

The waiter comes to the table

Waiter: Here is your bill

Tootie and Timmy pay the bill

Tootie: Ready

Timmy: I ready lets go home

Timmy and Tootie grab Tommy and Tammy and head home


Timmy: Time for bed kids

Tammy: But daddy I am not sleepy

Tommy: Me either

Tootie: Daddy said time for bed, now go

Tommy: Ok mommy

Tammy: NO!!!

Tootie: Tammy go to bed

Tammy: NO!!!

Timmy: I'm going to read to Tommy, you get Tammy to bed

Tootie: Ok

Timmy: Come on Tommy lets go read a book

Tommy: Ok daddy

Timmy: Say goodnight

Tommy: Goodnight mommy and goodnight Tammy

Tootie: Night Tommy...Tammy go to bed

Tammy: NO!!

Tootie: Tammy Renae Turner, don't talk back to me that way

Tammy: NO!!

Tootie: That is it

Tammy: Mommy, I don't want to (crying)

Tootie: You are going to bed

Tammy: Mommy no

Tootie: Would you like it if Iay down with you till you go to sleep?

Tammy: Yes

Tootie: Ok


Timmy: Goodnight Tommy (kisses him)

Tommy: Goodnight daddy

Tootie wakes up and sees that Tammy is finally asleep and goes to her and Timmy's room

Timmy: Tammy finally asleep?

Tootie: Yes

Timmy: What is her deal?

Tootie: I do not know

Timmy: She always likes to go to bed

Tootie: Maybe she had a nightmare last night

Timmy: Maybe tomorrow night I'll take Tammy to bed and you take Tommy to bed

Tootie: Ok

Timmy: Goodnight Tootie

Tootie: Goodnight Timmy

That is the end of the story...Catch more next time when I can think of any to write

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