Chapter 1: Five Years Later

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The kingdom of Glelalia once used to be bathed in sunlight and flourished with life. Now it was nothing more then a place of misery and sorrow. The people were miserable and starving from the lack of good crops.

Karinda sat in her throne room listening to the complaints of her court. She hated these stupid gatherings, it was worse then having her hair pulled out. She listened as one of her court members complained about the lack of rain and sunshine to grow proper crops. If Karinda had cared she might have taken away the drought and the endless gray clouds, but she didn't so she simply sighed.

"You're majesty, please the people cannot survive much longer without proper food. The farmers can barely feed themselves, let alone provide for the rest of the people of the kingdom." One of her council members said looking at the queen.

"And I should care why?" Karinda asked bluntly glaring at the council member.

The room fell quiet as all eyes turned to the queen.

"You are the Queen." The member replied timidly, "You are supposed to care about the people of your kingdom."

"But I don't." Karinda said with a bored tone, "You forget that I acquired this throne through the death sentence of my father. I did not come into this throne with want to make this kingdom better you fool, I came into this throne to make the people suffer as I have suffered."

"But your majesty the people have done nothing wrong." The council member argued.

"Silence!" Karinda commanded waving her hand and muting them, "The people of this kingdom got to live happy lives of their choosing and when I tried to get revenge on the man who took away mine I was frowned upon and labeled evil. Therefore that is what I became. Evil."

Karinda stood from her throne and the other council members cringed. She stared down the council members with her dark gray eyes. Before she could say anything to them several guards burst into the throne room.

"What is the meaning of this interruption!?" She demanded angrily.

"Your majesty we have captured some rebels." One solider said bowing slightly. Karinda smirked and her eyes shined slightly. She flicked her hand at the mute council member giving them back their voice.

"All of you out, I have prisoners to attend to!" She commanded seating herself in her throne again. The council members scurried out like roaches in the light and left the throne room empty.

"Kian, bring them in." She said looking at the guard. He bowed and called for his soldiers to bring in the prisoners.

Three guards dragged in three people. Two of the prisoners were male and seemed badly hurt. Karinda could tell they were barely conscious, but it was the young woman that Kian had to help contain that caught her interest. The woman kicked and yelled profanities trying to get free from the soldiers.

Karinda smirked and waved her hand slightly making the girl freeze in place. The woman was now stuck mid kick and unable to move without Karinda giving her permission.

"So you are one of the people who have been trying to cause such trouble." Karinda said slowly standing up from her throne and stepping forward.

"We will bring your evil rule to an end!" The woman growled as she glared at the Queen. Karinda couldn't help but laugh.

"And how do you expect to bring my rule to an end from inside my dungeon?" She asked.

"Our leader will end you! Vator won't allow someone like you to ruin this wonderful kingdom!"


"The leader of our rebellion! Vator will end you and your evil rule!" Karinda smirked at the woman.

"And what does this 'leader' of yours look like? I wish to know what I'm up against." She asked rolling her eyes slightly.

"No one in the rebellion knows what he looks like. But he wont let you continue this!" The woman replied.

"We'll see about that." Karinda muttered, "Send them to the dungeons, Kian!"

The soldiers dragged the prisoners out while Karinda returned to her throne. So someone thought they could dethrone her huh? Well it looked like she would have to find out who this 'Vator' was and show him the meaning of true evil.

"Kian, I want you to announce to all the villages that anyone harboring or protecting those who are apart of this so called 'Rebellion' then they will be sentenced to the dungeon. And anyone harboring this Vator, is to be sentenced to death immediately!" She commanded.

"As you wish my queen." Kian said bowing to her before spinning on his heel and leaving to do as his queen commanded.

Karinda leaned back in her throne and smirked.

"Oh very soon Vator, we will meet and I'll show you exactly how evil I can be." She said to herself laughing softly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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