Chapter 8

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He is pissed with what he saw last night. That woman is a high-class prostitute. She has too many men around her and the one she was with last night probably is her real boyfriend or maybe her pimp.

What he can't understand about himself is, he doesn't like her kind but he can't take his mind off her.

She is a witch! She cast a fucking spell on me.! He told himself.

He can still remember vividly her sexy as hell face and body. Even her scent is intoxicating.He has to admit that he lusts after her though he despises her type. He can feel his dick reacting just by thinking about the gold digger.

Just one fuck..I will get her out of my system if I fuck her once.

He stood up then dialed his phone to talk to his secretary. He ordered her to get the gold digger's number so they can contact her. He will offer her a job.

"Sir, I talked to the secretary of Con Ad. She said that she can't disclose information about Miss Ledesma."

He cursed under his breath.

Stacey's former boss is protecting her maybe because he still fucks her. Now he has no choice but to personally see her. He knows where she lives.

But will he do something like that just to see a whore?

He angrily stood up and uttered a bad word as he rakes his hand through his hair.


"Miss Pretty.." Amy tried to wake her up.

She slowly opened her eyes.

"Amy..? What time is it? " She asked her before slowly sitting up on the bed. She has a slight headache.

" It is late Miss Pretty! Rise and shine! Your mom said to wake you up! Sir Tyler is waiting for you!" The help said giddily as she opens the shutter.

She covered her eyes when the sunshine entered her room. "Tyler? What is he doing here?" she asked as if to herself.

" Yes! Your tall and handsome boss! Your employer who has been wooing you forever and I can't really understand why you haven't said yes to yet! What is it about him that you don't like? He is very good-looking, he is financially stable and he seems so besotted with you! If I were in your shoes, I will give him my heart and my sexy body straight away! " Amy commented as she hugs the curtains and sways her body from side to side while her eyes twinkle.

"AMY! Mom wants you! We don't pay you for doing nothing!" came Heather's angry voice.

"Peter Piper fucked the pepper!" Amy blurted out and Stacey just sighed. Their housemaid always overreacts and she says unimaginable, vulgar although often funny words when she is shocked or really surprised.

"Coming-coming!" she said while hurrying out of her room.

Stacey ignored her half-sister and got out of her bed to go to the bathroom.

" Why did you quit your job?! Isn't it enough that my dad sent you to the university and now you still expect him to support you financially now that you quit working?" Heather sarcastically asked.

She stopped walking and looked at her bitchy sister with eyes like daggers.

"Do you think that I will still have a normal job right after the thing I did for you?" She asked while she is trying very hard to control her anger.

Heather put her hands on either side of her waist and looked at her from head to foot. " You are so meladromatic! It was just a lingerie photo and not a porn video for crying out loud! " She said with a snort.

His Lovely Obsession (read in Bravonovel,NovelCat,Hinovel,Babelnovel,etc)Where stories live. Discover now