Arrived my Destination

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Here I was in Canada for higher studies. I stayed at my aunt's house. She was really excited to see me. I lived here for 4 years. I really missed my old friends, my dad, Jungkook and of course Taehyung. We often used to send each other videos and talk before we sleep.

But one day when me and my aunt were home alone. There was a bang at the door. There were two extremely scary men with weird masks and asked us to give them whatever we had.

He took away my phone, my bag in which I had memories of Taehyung and me. He took my aunt's stuff her jewelry and had me on gun point.
I was really scared
He asked me to hand the necklace I was wearing but I refused that's something that really meant to me.
I couldn't escape his grip when my aunt escaped and the neighbors called the police.

After hearing the neighbors and us scream the two men ran away with all they had. The police couldn't reach on time. I burst in to tears. My uncle came home and comforted us he had something in his hand.

Uncle: this is what I found outside the gate.

(The two men dropped my cellphone in hurry)

Me: but it's cracked and it won't work again.

Uncle: I would get it fixed but first we have decided to shift to another safe place.

Me: but uncle they ran away with my bag I had Taehyung and my childhood pictures, our drawings we did when we were kids, my friends autographs, my mom's pictures, Jungkook and dad memories it's all gone!!!

I started crying when I remembered I had the letter Taehyung gave me. I hadn't opened it yet. Tears rolled down my cheeks. It must be in the bag too.

Uncle/Aunt: it's okay sweety we can understand. 

Aunt: they took away everything

Author's note:
Hey guys sorry if it's sad it will be a happy ending. I am sorry if it's boring don't mind me I know I am a boring person too. Plus I would like to say if any of other author has a similar story I don't mean to copy any of the work this all is my crazy mind which I am sharing with you. I would call it coincidence if it is. Please support me on writing I'll do my best.  

Thank you😄
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Kim Taehyung ff My Childhood FriendWhere stories live. Discover now