Memories of loved ones

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School was over, so Lily did what any sensible, normal teenager would do and headed "home". She walked a couple of miles when she stopped, next to a long driveway leading up to a clear patch filled with debris, where a house should be. Lily slowly walked up the driveway, with sad, guilty strides. This is the place where her life went crashing down, this is the place where she lost everything. It had happened 2 year ago:

Back then Lily was only 14 with a brown little ponytail, and bright eyes. Sure, even back then Lily had her troubles with bullying, but they didn't bother her because she had the most supporting and loving family by her side. She had been crying that night, the storm caused the power to go out, and Shawn pushed her down the stairs that afternoon. Her mom was whispering comforting words into her ear, while her dad was lighting candles around the room. Another crash of thunder seemed to fill the room, Lily had screamed like bloody murder. That day should have ended with a laugh filled room and many hugs and stories. But instead Lily scream had startled her dad, which caused him to drop the candle on the stack of newspapers sitting on top of the wooden table. The fire had caught on quickly, but there was still enough time to get out, that is if Lily wouldn't have been so dumb, she ran for her room trying to pack up as many things as possible, she didn't realize how long she was in there, but she vaguely heard the front door slam, she picked up her favorite doll and piggy bank, and started for the door,. When she was out of the house the fire department had just arrived. All Lily remembered in that moment was how her parents were no where to be seen, and how she thought she heard her mom call out her name from inside the house, when it all came crashing down. The fire was still burning, Lily had run towards the collapsed house, breathing in debris and smoke. She fell and felt such intense heat, that it almost felt cold. The doctors said she also could have died that day, if it wasn't for the "helpful" firefighter that had followed her towards the house, and pulled her back almost instantly after the fire tickled her.

That didn't stop the burn though, that didn't help the fact that her parents had died. That didn't stop the fact, that after running away from foster care, she was been alone for 2 years. All Lily wanted to do is join her parents, was that too much to ask.

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