Home Sweet Home

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Oswald finally back in his office decided that it was time to leave, and so the lucky rabbit packed his things up and headed out of the hospital. During his way out Oswald heard his phone begin to ring. He smiled realizing that it was his children. He picked up his phone and replied calmly yet so,we hat happily.


"Papa!" The bunny children cried happily.

"It's me, how's all my wonderful children doing?" Oswald asked.

"We're doing great papa, Mickey showed us some super cool magic tricks." One of his kids said.

"Is that so?" Oswald asked as he got into his car and began starting up.

"I'll talk to you all when I get home." Oswald said Ashe began driving home. The drive was silent and as the car continues to drive home Oswald noticed something off about Pete's wounds. Well mere scratches they didn't appear that way. They seemed deep and jagged, now that Oswald thought about it the scratches looked more like cuts or lacerations of some sort. Someone with claws probably did this . Then again a fight was a fight and Pete had been the one lose. Finally Oswald was home, he smiled as his children came out running to him.

"Papa's home!"" One of his children cried.

Oswald stepped out of his car and was swormed by all his kids who were happy to see him.

"What did you do at work today papa?" One bunny child asked.

"Yeah what did you do?" Another one asked him.

"Well I did lots of things today." Oswald said.

"Noo what did you do in your job." Asked one of the many bunny children.

"I helped a man feel better after he got in a fight." Oswald said.

The he kids looked up at their father eyes full of duiousity and wonder.

"Let's good raids, it's getting awfully cold out." Oswald said as he lead all the children inside and there his younger brother Mickey stood in the kitchen cooking something up. The mouse turned when he noticed his big brother he grinned and replied.

"Ozzy your back." Mickey said turning off the stove after he was done cooking and came over to greet his brother before asking him how his day was.

"Fine." Oswald murmured as he put his coat onto the coat rack and rubbed his face. Today was just a plane tiring and exhausting day. 

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