Unexpected visitor

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(Hey sorry for the late update I haven't been here in such a long time I'm super sorry that you all had to wait so long. But thank you for being patient. I'll do my best to update whenever I can thanks again and don't be afraid to comment down below.  Also I'll try to put some effort in chapter titles. ^u^)

The car made a screeching stop and Oswald was slammed back into his seat. The rabbit looked out through his front windshield and didn't see the nightmarish figure anywhere. Fearing that he may have injured someone Oswald stepped out of the car and looked wound hoping to see if anyone was okay.

"Hello?" Oswald called out as he looked to see if anyone was there.

There was no sound up rio the rabbit could hear footsteps. They were soft and light, then there was nothing. Oswald tried to listen again but he heard absolutely nothing except his car running. Oswald had then decided to look under the car but nothing was under there. This was definitely strange, could the figure have dodged the car and made it to safety? No, that sounded impossible.

Oswald was going half the speed limit and the person was standing in the middle of the road. They wouldn't have enough time to get out of the way. Oswald took a few deep breaths, maybe they did get out of the way. He didn't see anyone and didn't hear anything. The lucky rabbit turned around to go back to his car and eight in front of his was the figure. Oswald jerked back and yelped in fear. He held his breath as he stared at the strange figure.

He was....a black cat. He was slightly shorter than Oswald. The cat had golden hazel eyes and jet black fur. However this cat in particular had his claws out and they were stained in dark red. His fur was messy full of twigs and leaves and mangled. Oswald wrinkled his nose, he smelled something awful.

Slowly the rabbit looked up and to his horror the cat's mouth was covered blotches of blood. It looked like something straight out of a horror movie. The smell must be from the stale blood and probably from not taking a shower or something far more darker. Oswald thought who in their right mind would do something like this?

Unless this cat...and what Pete had said...oh gosh this was happening so fast. Oswald looked up and cleared his throat wanting to speak to him. But just as he was about to do so the cat narrowed their eyes and hissed at Oswald before disappearing into the night.

Oswald stood there for a moment a bit in shock and slowly got back into his car and drove off. Once Oswald was home it must've been a bit too late considering that his children weren't out to greet him like usual. They must've been asleep, well that was good besides he was tried as well. 

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