And I Always Will

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Okay, so I did not have any plans to continue this, but this scene came to me and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it out

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Okay, so I did not have any plans to continue this, but this scene came to me and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it out. Who knows, maybe this will turn into a series of one-shots. This is once again written from the reader's perspective (fit your name or any name you want into the little blanks).

And I Always Will

Commodore Norrington found you in the library of his home, standing at the window, looking down toward the docks. Quietly, he crossed the room and joined you at the window. A black-sailed ship could just be made out on the horizon, the wind driving her closer to Port Royal.

He let out a small sigh. "You'll be joining up with them, won't you." It was not a question, but a melancholy statement.

"Being here, in this house, with you, has been the best days of my life since I was a child," you answered softly. "You have shown me nothing but respect and acceptance. But you know I don't have a choice, Norrie."

A tiny smirk momentarily flitted across his lips at the nickname you bestowed on him in the weeks you had been in Port Royal. However, it faded as he turned to face you. "You have a choice, _______. You can stay. My home is always open to you." Gently, he grasped your elbows and turned you to face him. Then, he took your hands in his. "Please, stay _______," he pleaded. "Don't entangle yourself with these pirates any longer."

Slowly, you raise sad, defeated eyes to meet his emploring ones. "Norrie, you know I'm already as entangled with them as I can get, in spite of the fact that all I've ever done was be on that ship."

His fingers shifted so that his thumb could brush the mark on your right wrist. "You don't have to be anymore. All we have to do is prove your innocence," he insisted.

"All it will ever be is my word against Beckett's, and I think we both know how much any judge or jury will value my word," you answered, eyes downcast, and pulled away, hugging yourself. "Besides, even if anyone believed me, there isn't exactly a way to get rid of this...mark. It will always be there, mocking my innocence."

Norrington took a step closer, taking your hands in his once more. "Yes, it marks a connection with pirates, but it does not mean you are one. Not to me," he said, gently squeezing your hands. "You have been among pirates, lived with them for years, yet you never became one. You never looted, pillaged, or killed. You never let yourself sink that low. Instead, you grew into a strong, intelligent, beautiful young woman of character."

He lifted your right hand, pressing a fleeting kiss to your brand. "A true lady among scoundrels," he murmured, a gleam of pride in his eyes. "That is what this mark means."

You tried to blink away the tears stinging your eyes, but rather than holding them in, you caused them to roll down your cheeks. Norrington immediately fished a handkerchief out of his inner coat pocket and wiped your tears away. He hesitated, then open his arms, allowing you the choice of closing the distance between the two of you or not. You paused only for a moment before taking the step forward. He gently enfolded you in his arms, letting you tightly grasp the back of his uniform coat as you tears dampened the front.

"I'm afraid you are the only one who sees me like that," you whispered shakily into his lapel.

His answer came with a quiet surety. "And I always will."

So, this one had a bit of romantic slant. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave your thoughts in the comments!

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