Right Here With You: Part One

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Commodore Norrington paced nervously in the hall of his home

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Commodore Norrington paced nervously in the hall of his home. Every minute or so, he would glance up at the staircase, to see if she was coming down.

"My word, Commodore, I have seen you this tense in ages," Lieutenant Groves commented, doing his very best to hide the smirk threatening to show itself on his face. "You have nothing to worry about. Not on Miss _'s account, anyway. She's a perfect lady."

"I know," Norrington answered shortly. "I know that." He paused in his pacing to face Groves. "It's just...This is her first real event here in Port Royal, and I'm not sure how everyone else will react to her."

"Well, the promotion ceremony for the new lieutenants went off just fine," Groves noted.

"Yes, but that was mostly military personnel, who don't always pay that close attention to the guests," Norrington argued, resuming his pacing. "and those civilians who were in attendance at the promotion have now had time to look her over, inquire about her, discuss and gossip about her..." Here he stopped again with a heavy sigh. "I just want her to be happy here."

Groves' smirk finally won out. "Here in Port Royal...or here with you?"

Norrington froze, then whirled around to face his friend. "I beg your pardon?" It came out indigent, but Groves could see a blush beginning to color Norrington's face.

"Just curious," Groves answered innocently.

Norrington opened his mouth to respond, but Groves stopped him with a loud "eh-hm!" and a pointed look at the stairs. Norrington quickly turned and found himself stunned into silence.

The creature before him had to be an angel. She wore a simple gown of silver damask silk, with white lacy ruffles on the elbow-length sleeves and cuffs, and matching shoes. Her hair was pinned up an elegant updo, ornamented by a single white rose. Silver earrings shone from her ears, and a thin pale pink ribbon graced her throat in the place of a necklace.

She glided down the stair to shy stand before him, clutching a small white lace fan. Before Norrington could pull himself out of his daze, Groves stepped forward.

"You are looking quite lovely tonight, Miss ______," Groves complimented, grinning at his friend's reaction to the beauty before them.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Groves," she answered with a little curtsy and a faint blush.

Norrington finally pulled himself together enough to think somewhat straight and offered her his hand. Gently, she placed her hand in his. He smiled proudly when he noticed that she was not wearing her cuff bracelet, her brand visible to all. Gallantly, he bowed slightly, brushing a kiss to the mark on her wrist, causing her blush to deepen.

Groves' grin widened as he watched the pair. This was going to be an interesting night.

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